So has anyone been able to determine yet what the next gold sink mount will be for Shadowlands?
I have almost 4.2 million gold and don’t want to use it on the long boy if a cooler mount is coming for a pile of gold in SL.
Personally I’m hoping for another horse.
There were spiders or something datamined (according to a goldmaking streamer). But no price associated or whatever so no news that I’VE COME ACROSS.
I think those spiders are going to be pvp related since they come in Alliance and Horde colours.
Hoping for something cool!
I wanted a Long Boi but I realized I don’t really want the AH feature enough to justify 5 million on it. The model is cool but 5 million? Eh!
Saving my gold for the next big thing (not Samsung).
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The gold sink mount should be a Kyrian to fly you around, like that one Mantid used to do back in Dread Wastes.
It’s likely whatever the next “gold sink mount” for Shadowlands is, it will cost a lot more than 5M gold.
Hoping for something cool!
I wanted a Long Boi but I realized I don’t really want the AH feature enough to justify 5 million on it. The model is cool but 5 million? Eh!
Saving my gold for the next big thing (not Samsung).
Same. I was so tee’d off when I heard they were removing the long boy. Had I known earlier I would have waited to get the spider that wasn’t being removed and could have had my Dino already.
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pick and choose. Any of those could be ‘the one’.
I got the spider in Legion and love it, but everyone else seems to hate it! Probably because it’s a spider I guess.
Single best investment I’ve made though is Goblin Weather Machine - Prototype 01-B from the BMAH. Best toy in the game imo.
I have a feeling we have not seen all the mounts that will come in 9.0. Death Roc would be the beast bet if we don’t see anymore mounts in future builds since it does not have multiple colors like the others.
probably some spectral horse like the other 6 the alliance will get for rep…
You are getting a new trader mount yes.
The source is none of your business. You don’t have to take my word for it you can wait until it becomes a hook for buying the new expansion.
Rare mounts >>> Gold sink mounts
Because you cannot buy rarity, you must actually fight and play for it.
Gold sink mounts are just for the rich boys with their mom’s credit card, or the Fortnite kids with all the cosmetics. Or gold bought from Chinese bots, or gold from AFK WoD garrison missions, which you likely missed out on.
Pick your poison.
No part of that was hostile. Just know that I have my ways and they don’t involve miners who may or may not dig up baited info.
I heard there was a carriage mount datamined. Just the name mind you but I bet that’s it.
Tbh I’ve been wanting one since that plague lands quest so I’m a little torn as I’m only about 250k from getting brutosaur mount.
We have the vendor mammoth. The transmog yak. Now we have the auction longboi.
I have no doubt there will one day be a barbershop mount.
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