Chieftain Kul’gosh awaited at the Goblin Cartel’s Incontinental Hotel lobby as the Darkwolf forces were arriving for their nightly patrol. Upon the scheduled time for their patrols of the Undermine streets he glanced about a thinner crowd of Darkwolves than expected, or these days, typically seen. Though it hadn’t been that long since Kul’gosh took the mantel as the new Chieftain, his rightful position as grandson of the clan’s first Chieftain, the sheer amount of Orcs that have sworn their lives to his banner was immense beyond standard reasoning. But alas, the group of around a dozen would still ensure their duties in the streets were tended to and any resources they could seize would be taken back for the clan to utilize.
Kul’gosh gazed about the Darkwolves as they stood stoic and ready to kill, “The Battlehammers have been challenging us and have not relented! Keep your eyes open and work as the pack of wolves you are!” He would look to one of his members who recently earned their promotion to wolf rider of the clan, “Tonight is your night to shine. With such low forces, you’re the only one here with the skills to adequately scout outside of our march.” The young rogue nodded and abided by his Chief, eager to prove himself amongst the clan. Shortly after, the formation of Darkwolves would be attacked. Two deathknights of Clan Battlehammer slammed into the clan’s formation causing the young Orc Chieftain to shout, “Quickly! Spread your ranks and change their focuses! They use magics!” Though, some of the fresh mercenaries went down, the Dwarves did as well. The Darkwolves returned to formation but this time, they lowered their heads distraught for the Orcs who died fighting for the Darkwolf cause, when it was but their first night patrolling.
Not long after this event, the warband would hear a loud humming noise coming from above their formation. A crate of resources was being lifted to its drop-off location. They rushed upon the backs of their fearless, and agile wolves to be the first to arrive, and first they were. Upon arriving, the Dwarves arrived, and this time with reinforcements. Kul’gosh continued barking commands as chaos ensued, “Get the one who casts! Break their warrior’s knee caps in!” In honor of the deaths given to our weakest, the Darkwolves fought their hardest. As the anger bellowed through their warrior hearts, victory began coming quick and soon only a crate of rewards was left for them to break.
Upon the second crate of resources arriving, the Dwarves were still pouring in to fight for the resources. The Darkwolves quickly realized this would be a long night, but they were feeling the presence of their Ancestors guiding them to keep fighting. The battles for each dropped raged longer and longer but the Darkwolves would eventually win skirmish after skirmish against the Dwarven forces.
The Darkwolves gathered in the central of the city, exhausted from so many battles, when a scout returned to Chieftain Kul’gosh, “These Dwarves are like fleas bouncing everywhere! They fight with the Blademasters outside now!” Kul’gosh’s eyes would widen as he shouted, “Darkwolves! Defend our allies!” Defend them they did, but confusion travelled across the formations of the Orcs as they wandered how the Dwarves kept fighting… And when they would stop.
Another crate and another battle against the Dwarves ended with our victory when the Chieftain saw a single survivor, enamored with the chaos of battle, he turned his warriors around to fight, but it was an ambush. The Dwarves brought in new casters, of races outside their own to fight this battle. The fight waged on for longer than any other would in this evening as they scrambled to decide focus points. Just when they did decide an action, some sort of magic would teleport them around sporadically. The forces began dying and no one knew what this magic was or how to counteract it. The ambush of the Dwarves was successful. The survivors challenged themselves to find a safe place and wait for the howls of their leaders to rally their forces elsewhere.
Eventually, in a dark alley of the Goblin districts they rallied around Chieftain Kul’gosh, “I will not allow this to end this way” he exclaimed to his few warriors left. “We are Darkwolves. We rush in, for life or death, and trust in the Ancestors to make our aims true.” A young survivor of the onslaughts and ambush stumbled forward, “But Chieftain, should we not call for reinforcements? They out heal us.” Chieftain Kul’gosh motioned for his partner, Chieftess Reka’shar, to tend to his wounds, “No. What they heal will not stop the damage we will cause their forces. Gather yourselves, and prepare for our final battle.”
The Darkwolves found the Dwarves rallying where yet another crate would fall, and they charged in with zero fear of death. Each Darkwolf swung their axes harder than they ever thought they could, glancing around to assess the battlefield in between their swings. Soon they begin to notice the Dwarven forces splitting in attempts to keep themselves alive. The fight was won, but the Dwarves were not dead. Kul’gosh howled louder than he ever had, “NOW! Take the caster down for FEL’S sake!” Which was followed by every one of them shoving their enemies off them and rushing towards the chieftain. The Orcs took their target down instantly and from that moment forward, they would strike each and every one of the Dwarves to the ground with triumph. It was now time for them to leave and tend to their wounds, after they loaded their profits onto their trusted black wolves.
Video containing all of the fights: