Darkspear vs. Zandalari Troll

Hello WoW forums. I started to level a “male” horde blood elf. But then I realized I wanted an actual male toon since male belves aren’t a thing and settled on a troll. However, I don’t know which one. Please tell me in your opinions what classes fit Darkspear better, and which classes fit Zandalari better from a lore perspective, I couldn’t care less about racials I’m not a min maxer nor the top 1% of this game, so a lore perspective would be great. Thanks in advance, Keilendor, the female belf.

  • The Zandalari have a capital city laden with gold, that rivals Orgrimmar in size and scope.
  • The Darkspear have a few huts on small islands.

I think I’ve explained it thoroughly well.


So you went from pretty boy to starving-looking weirdo.

Trolls fit the most with hunters, shaman, priests and in the case of zandalari , Paladins I figure since it was such a big deal for them this expac.

The Zandalari are a mess as we see after this expac, they were a mess even before the alliance messed them up and stole their gold. Darkspear at least have some more organization going on.


Hunter, shaman, and priest. I’d say mage and paladin too.

Hunter, shaman, warlock, rogue and priest.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


A city loaded with stairs, it’s exhausting just looking at it. Island huts are the real dream. :smile:


So VHX is saying there are the rich Trolls or the poor Trolls…lol

Lorewise: one is the champion of a newly crowned queen, while the other is an adventurer from one of the former Warchief Titlists, who is now dead and any orders received from him are essentially whispers of a Loa.

I’d rather not be seen as crazy for letting a ghost tell me what to do, so roll an Orc or a Goblin

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I just wish I could stand up straight. My berserking is too fun to race change. Made a Paladin Zandalari, though, and you can do a lot with that based on your chosen Loa. I went with Bwonsamdi, which can make for some very satisfying flavour.


Basically one is a tribe still dwelling on some islands and forced out of their homeland and haven’t done much of anything besides move in with some orcs.

And the other built a huge empire.

Zandalari is my favorite, and either Hunter or priest.

Although… I’ve heard Darkspea’ neva’ die. Just a rumor.

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Both are great, but personally I prefer how melee looks on Zandalari.

Male Darkspear have cool bow animations, and the idea of a Mage/Warlock Darkspear in general is cool to me because of how rare it is to see them in the lore. They also have the coolest cat druid forms in the Horde.

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Neither if them wear shoes. Be an orc.

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They don’t even have an offical leader

As of 8.3 they do. Rokhan’s officially in charge now. Of course, the only way you see that is if you listen to him and Baine talk after the “no more Warchiefs” cutscene so it’s easy to miss.


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Which is a jokebecause the 2nd in line was that female darkspear but blizzard probably noticed all their new leaders have been female so they stepped back

Both troll races are pretty awesome and unique in their own ways.

I made one of each. I plan on making more once shadowlands comes out because they are allowing trolls to have skins that make them the other troll races.

My personal favorite trolls would be

  1. Forest
  2. Zandalari
  3. Jungle
  4. Ice
  5. Dark
  6. Sand



Holy Paladin, I forgot all about this topic.