Darkspear Troll Heritage Armor Set Looks Terrible

There needs to be some changes but I’m not expecting any at this point. Maybe two helms option but first seen draft is usually final draft for blizzard.

Overall I like the set and will use pieces here and there but could have used more voodoo.

Then again seeing the draenei set reminds me of the Jurassic park quote

“It could’ve been worse, John. A lot worse.”


Just watched Jurassic Park 1 and 2 last night, the quote fits nicely here.

In this case I’ll reverse another JP quote the designers were so busy thinking they should make this set they never asked if they could. It is evident now, they could not.

Wish they had someone who actually appreciates the Darkspear design it, but it could certainly have been worse.


Ouch, really glad nobody is burning me and my work with Jurassic Park quotes :rofl: :rofl: Spot on!!


Well ya know, “Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions.” :laughing:


Roasted! In all seriousness this set is really bad.


I just made another post regarding this, I tallied up the opinions of everyone here into a poll. I also itemized the issues with each gear piece into a more digestible read, this post was kinda all over the place.


I think it’s amazing. Only tweak i’d make is have the mask under the nose, so it resembles the many, many trolls in Warcraft 2 and 3 who wear masks in this style. No idea why they would make it fit over the nose. Boggling choice.

Fix the cloth mask and we’re set. Hide the parts you don’t like, but it’s a darn good set.


Can’t be that ba—

Looks at it :neutral_face:

…Okay, not a fan of that.

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By Bwonsamedi, I really hope Metzen makes them stop with that.

That shtick is in like every other fantasy series, Warcraft for the longest time was one of the only fantasy series not doing that. Then he left and they IMMEDIATELY went into that.

It’s one of the laziest things to do in fiction.


The real troll look is wearing a level 20 robe with the mask that boss in ZF drops.


It’s the weirdest thing, it’s like the person in charge of designing this heritage set hasn’t actually been in the company for very long.

https ://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/2639595-Darkspear-heritage-armor-hopes-options

Just look at this, take any of the concepts here and draw inspiration from that. Literally ANY of these would have been 150% better than what we’re getting.

Unfortunately what’s been datamined is what will be going live, if you look at the datamined splash screen for the 10.2.7 patch the armor alongside the Draenei armor are right there.


Yup, almost definitely going live, based on the fact the mask already has physics I’d wage this is a final product. I’ve been looking at those for a long time hoping the set would be like them. They should have just called that guy and had him design it, he’d probably do it for free…


As a Warcraft II person, I love this design. Even the mask, to me that just sells shadow hunters even more. Maybe it’s because I played that game so long ago that its just nostalgia, but I love this. So much so I have created a troll druid just for that set.

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The Trolls of Warcraft 2 were Amani Forest Trolls. The mask absolutely screams shadow hunter and we’ve wanted a mask like this in game for so long, but the implementation of it is all wrong. Take a look at it from the side, the mask doesn’t cover the cheeks or go around the tusks it goes only between them, and it goes over the nose instead of under, unlike any shadow hunter in any Warcraft game ever, making it look like an elephant trunk. I love the mask in concept but it needs work.

No shadow hunter ever had a hybrid Wooden mask (Rush’kah) and Cloth mask. I like this creative twist to mix them but the cloth section was horribly botched, and the wooden upper is a throw back to the WC3 ShadowHunter mask, and Zappyboi’s mask, both of which had a better shape than the wooden upper we got here which is just too flat across the top.


You’re right, they were Amani Trolls. The /silly “New Troll here” that the playable trolls have made me forget that they are a different type of troll. Because that is a direct voice line from Warcraft II. I wish the Amani’s were a playable type of troll. But then again, I say that and a lot of people would complain because “we wanted a new race, not another troll” lol.


*Vol’jin’s *model’s *Yeah


I’ve been wanting playable Amani since day one, some people are speculating we’ll get them when they revamp the Ghost lands in Midnight but I’m skeptical, Blizz is stingy with the races.

Thank you! Elementary mistakes. Sometimes when I get on a tear I overlook quite a bit. If you find time would you mind pointing out where these are so I can fix them?


Yeah the odds of them changing it are slim but I seriously hope they do, it’s ghastly.


Same here, that’s why I made the post, in the off chance that someone at Blizz cares about player consensus.


I think they only read the CC Forums quarterly, and don’t even look at the regular ones. Maybe I’m wrong but it certainly feels that way.

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