Darkspear or Zandalari shaman? can't decide! help!

Just based on visual’s.

What yall think looks better?

I like how Darkspear sit, they just look so chill.

Darkspear all the way! Also their new customizations look so good!

Zandalari here :slight_smile:

Darkspear Enhancement look vicious in combat. Zandalari just look too refined for that role :wink: Zandalari look great as Elemental or Resto though.

I prefer the customization that darkspear has. I love the tattoos and hair styles and the way you can make a female darkspear who doesn’t look constantly pissed.

HOWEVER. I prefer the lore of the Zandalari. I love their dedication to Loa and the way their totems look. I also just prefer the female zanda casting animation and the way stuff looks on them, where as the female darkspear don’t look as good in my opinion.

I love Darkspear trolls over Zandalari trolls for pretty much everything.

So Dark Spear and Zandalari can slouch or stand up stright.

So what you will need to do is look at the racials that is the real difference to me almost all of their animations are the same.

Dark spear get a mini bloodlust every 3 mins.

Zandalari get different loa aspects that are proc effects. And they get extra looted gold. Not much but hey every little bit helps.

Ty for all the replies, I ended up going zandalari just barely with my shaman, but plan to make a troll priest.

The zandalari lively casting animation is what finally swayed my position, darkspear is very still while it is casting, but the end result of it extending that long body to shoot lighting or the sort is just great.

But the Zandalari move their arms while casting, and its still very much a troll casting stance, they even finish casts in very similar ways due to the facts they are trolls.

I do admit though, the new customization for darkspear is just fantastic, as is the new hair styles, I hope Zandalari gets new customization like that too, like the tats of zandalari from mop.

I know you have one but Vulpera are very fun as Enhancement Shaman esp with that bag of tricks even though its got a 3 min cd it can and does hit hard


Here is my opinion the only classes that suit zandalari trolls are warrior,priest and druid.