Guys what spec is best for hunter. I’m starting a new darkspear alt and wondering whats best, he’s a headhunter poacher sort of vibe. What are they like gameplay wise? is survival any good? cheers
Hunter is one of those weird Classes where you can fail upwards quite successfully with even basic gear and knowledge of your rotations, but if we’re talking RP?
For BM, there’s the Spectral Raptor in Orgrimmar that you can tame quite early to have that ‘mojo’ theme to your pets, nothing quite like two Spirits in the forms of deadly Raptors to sell how strong your Troll’s mojo is. Or go completely badass and have a pair of Devilsaurs at your side to prove you’re not fooling around anymore. While you’ll need to farm with a Hunter on the Isle of Beasts in Pandaria, you can tame the Direhorns there, and have quite a selection of colours to choose from.
Survival is a fun specc, especially with the spear flurry just melting most targets, and while you won’t be able to tame exotic beasts like a Beast Master, a Troll leaping into battle alongside a Raptor, Direhorn or even an Aky from Zandalar proper will definitely stir a very heroic and savage picture.
I don’t really play Marksman, but there’s a lot of very funky bows, including the Restrung Voodoo Bow which fits the Darkspear asthetic and is somewhat hard to get. Nothing quite like the lanky strength of a Troll and the ridiculous draw of that bow to sell the whole “I am going to shoot through you.” vibe of a true Archer.
There’s also a wealth of Troll-themed gear being re-released by fishing in the Cataclysm Troll Raid in Stranglethorn for transmog items, as well as running around beating the cheeks off of Frost Trolls in Northrend, the Jungle Trolls of Zul’gurub in Stranglethorn, the Forest Trolls of Zul’aman in the Ghostlands south of Silvermoon City, and the capital of the Sand Trolls, Zul’Farrak in Tanaris.
This was good news, but I wish that we could transmog all gear no matter the class because I’ve got a troll character that needs to look tribal but there’s no tribal looking plate.
Also I wish that Marks hunters could tame any animals. I need a cool looking tanky animal.
yeah for sure. Man I can’t wait to mog him haha. I think marksman is probably the best suit for him.
I don’t actively rp but I love coming up with the character for each toon, then I just play for pvp.
His whole vibe is that his brothers came up together playing these games to find lizards and small game for their mother to make totems on the echo isles (she was a witch doctor). As they got older they kept the tradition alive and now their all hunters in their own right. After one of his sisters brought home the head of an outlaw the stakes were raised and so now the children of Xala are all out in the world, searching for the greatest trophy be it man beast or otherwise.
His name is Xukundi and he basically makes his living as a hunter, tanner and getting the ocassional bounty. But the idea is that once a year he and his siblings have this deadly and familial game of sibling rivalry going on where they return to Durotar once a year and share kills and stories.
To your point, never heard of the org raptors. Sounds dope.
I think I’ve narrowed it down to survival or mm. I think mm is probably a good fit but it looks like a very straightforward playstyle and was thinking survival might spice things up. And how good would a spear look XD. Is survival hard to master?
Survival, if played the best way possible, is pretty complicated. But you can get by with button mashing. I think it’s the most fun hunter spec right now.
And you don’t need to use spears. I use a sword!
Hi. This is me.
Also, it never ceases to amaze how someone in-game with the right Transmog can make me want to play a class or race that I don’t normally.
I just finished my time rift weekly and there was a Troll there in the new blood hunter transmog, but mixed with a few other pieces and now I want to play a Troll.
The Blood Jungle Stinger is arguably on of the better Troll-themed spears that we got, and drops off of Queen Tzxi’kik in Nazmir.
It does have a miserable drop rate, however.