Here’s my hot take:
The Darkspear tribe has been long enough separated from the Gurubashi mainlanders that they constitute a unique troll sub-species. Instead of Gurubashi Jungle Trolls, they are E’komari Island Trolls.
Like Farraki Sand Trolls, Amani Forest Trolls, Drakkari Ice Trolls, and Gurubashi Jungle Trolls, our E’komari Island Trolls have distinct colouration, features, alliances, main hubs, etc. Granted, these distinctions are not too defining, but they are shifting and catalysing more and more as time goes on. There are even scant mentions in-game of the Darkspear being “island trolls”
The name E’komari (that I made up) comes from:
- Echo Isles, the main hub for the Darkspear
- E’ko, the life force or spiritual power that every being possesses (this is a real, in-game term)
- and, the -mar from Orgrimmar
Imo, this distinction should be played up. Forest and Jungle Trolls can be thicc, sometimes furry. Island, like Sand, Trolls are thinner and tend to be hairless. Island Trolls can and should branch out and worship distinct loas. Heck, our Darkspear bad boys even party differently!
(I post this in hopes our character customization options get fixed and streamlined and Sand Trolls are not bunched in with Island Trolls, and where Forest and Jungle Trolls are distinct options like Man’ari and Wildhammers should be)