Littlejon! Long time! It’s Iai from WOE. Hope all’s well with ya!
Ahhh i miss that voice! Im playing horde with a bunch of irl friends on Herod.
Dyrwolfe Here, Gnome Warrior, 2004-2005, PVP, Goblin Engineer. Always seen at Tauren Mill - Southshore World PVP.
If anyone from < WOE > knows where Azkaban or Aurashade is, I’d very much like to know. <signed: Shipo’s former roommate>
“Smelle” Dwarf Warrior here, if anyone remembers me running around with my warrior.
Alexii (alliance priest) /Lexii (Horde Priest)
Its funny you mentioned thrall. I raid 1 night a weeks with many remorseless Peeps. Obviously I switched to hunter. I am so happy to see many of the icon folks.
I’m joining my guild that I transferred to for Naxx. We aren’t sure of a server yet.
<3 well hello there
Noxignis - Night Elf Rogue
Guild - Icon
In BC I became Bruus - Draenai Shaman
Guild - Ruin
Seeing some of these names is major nostalgia.
Mutorcs/Cyclonic checking in. Good times from Darkspear. With Ruin now on Stormrage.
No idea where I’m going to be playing yet or if I will have the time to.
I’d kill to see these. Grapedrink, undead PVP Warlord mage here. I remember when some stupid feud showed up in the DS Enquirer. I think it was ran by some gnome mage or something, and some other human mage Nexius was his friend. They made a spat outta something we had going on.
I have still have videos. Just saying.
Cig - Human Paladin in Ruin
I play D&D with Traigos and Fidi every weekend, I’ll tell them you said hi! I raided with Woe during BC, I cant remember if I did it on Zeiss or as Alex the Paladin though.
Anyone that hasn’t joined it yet, we’ve got a ton of people in a Darkspear Discord now.
https:// /kMBVG8
Crazy to hear Icon is still going strong. Zuly, human priest, here. Was with y’all in TBC and some of WotLK I think?
Somanah here. I was in “In For Blood” “End Result” and “Order of Royal Blood” as a prot/fury warrior. I’ll be playing on Australian servers for classic but i thought I’d drop in here and say hello to anyone that remembers me.
This is Patoosh - Gnome Warlock. Been playing horde basically since BC but I love seeing some of the old names from Ruin back then. Loved the group. Hated a new job messed up my raid times though.
Motomi < Vox Radix > good to see some old friends here