Darkspear Alliance Reconnections

wow this brings back so many memories! I listened to this at least 20-30 times back in the day! What server is everyone rolling on?

My boy, my body is ready to never have Thunderfury.

RIP us.


Hello, I really didn’t start playing on Darkspear until late Vanilla but it was my main server in BC.

Name was Palatron, Human Paladin.
Couldn’t remember the Guild names if I tried.

Just hope to see some people I used to play with, best time during my entire WoW lifetime!

Clemilly - Warlock
Pedwinster - Mage


awww shiiiii if it isnt Cat


Myki NE rogue and Failform NE druid
Kind of a guildless mercenary that pugged when I had time.

What server are people here rolling on for Classic?


I was thinking Whitemane PvP classic, got some peeps going to that one.

Dinnin! and yeah was a lil bridge :stuck_out_tongue:

Icon has reverted to a care bear mentality as we’ve aged. We’re going to roll on either Pagle or Atiesh, depending on if streamers land on one or the other, as Alliance.

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This thread is full of nostalgia… Thanks for that.

-Denwe, Human Paladin (Formerly Elite, before Mr. GM decided my name was ‘against TOS’)

Someone give me dervins btag.

This was more in BC since we didn’t really know what we were doing in vanilla but I was in two different guilds back then that were called The Burning Blade that turned into DAMAGE. We ran a couple of raids with Set in Stone so if anyone was in any of those, would be cool to hear from you.

Security - NE Warrior - MDS GM
Congol - Human Mage - MDS

There are plenty other characters I played in vanilla but those were my mains. Think I’m going horde during classic though. Just to play it from the other spectrum. Curious to see how many more names pop up in the thread that I played with so many years ago. Great times!

Paliv, NE Rogue here. Was in all of Felmor’s guilds. Where did that guy go? Did he ever get his Hot Pockets?

Paliv here. I’m on Illidan Horde just pushin keys!

hahahaha thats fantastic…gonna be rolling back with Zack and his wifey and mcknuckles from what I hear…Gonna be trying to get the old guild back together. not sure who is around anymore

Thalnos Server.

Did the Infamous thing…Did the twink thing.

ahaha Felmor…
I hope he still has the same GF he had when he was in vox trying to learn twin emps


Oh… the things that can’t be unheard…