Darkshore PTR Changes: The Good and still Bad

disperse the Blight that, up until this point, had never been acomplished

As a tangent, I am still hoping for confirmation that the Night Elves are able to clear out the blight from Lor'danel when they get their turn to win the Darkshore Warfront.
See, I disagree, Jaina's actions at the Battle of Undercity blew out anything Jaina had acomplished, magic wise, before. She had to constantly maintain that ship flying, as well as disperse the Blight that, up until this point, had never been acomplished, and packed enough fire power on top of that to blow open the gates.
The only one of those I find extraordinary even for Jaina is freezing the Blight, which according to the ones that have drunk the suspiciously glowing green kool-aid was part of Sylvanas' convoluted plan all along.

10/27/2018 08:06 AMPosted by Ximothy
I'm pretty sure healing fallen soldiers and creating shields is immensely powerful against the Horde, I have no idea why you think otherwise. Healing fallen soldiers so they can keep fighting would be amazingly useful when combating an enemy.

Does power really only matter in respect of how much damage it can do? Tides of battle could be turned with the type of power Anduin employs.
And it probably won't ever be referenced again outside of raising neutral NPCs. I'll gladly admit I'm wrong if it turns out that he uses it more, but my experience as an Alliance player has taught me that all of my faction's characters and awesome powers only apply to non-Horde things.
10/27/2018 08:29 AMPosted by Amadis
disperse the Blight that, up until this point, had never been acomplished

As a tangent, I am still hoping for confirmation that the Night Elves are able to clear out the blight from Lor'danel when they get their turn to win the Darkshore Warfront.

Human potential aside, surely Mordent knows how to Frost Nova, or Ring of Frost.

Honestly though, I've thought the Alliance were on to something when I saw Forsaken players complaining about Brill, and the path of "destruction" the Alliance carved through the dismal, blighted landscape. Part of the land my family lives on now was rented out to a farmer who farmed it for decades by conventional means (no-till, GMO crops, lots of chemicals). Eventually the land was so compacted and poisoned, practically nothing would grow there without chemical aids, but these weird black and pink molds. One of the very first steps to even begin healing the land was to till it all up. Turn it completely over, let it breathe. So, I maintain that what the Alliance did to Lordaeron was actually an improvement, and could have gotten it started healing (plus, y'know, Druids)... if it hadn't been promptly re-blighted.
10/27/2018 08:52 AMPosted by Galenorn
Human potential aside, surely Mordent knows how to Frost Nova, or Ring of Frost.
No no, didn't you do the Hordeside quests in Azshara? The Highborne (the ones that are still technically night elves, anyway) are incompetents that never actually learned any new magic or skills in the 10,000 years they've hidden away in vast libraries and are chumps compared to the blood elves!

Only the Nightborne under their literal bubble have bothered learning new skills.
10/27/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Jerolan
Only the Nightborne under their literal bubble have bothered learning new skills.

To be fair, when Blood Elves are involved, even the Nightborne were made to look bad.

    Magus Sendath: It is really child's play when you consider the magical weaves. I can see the flaws with just a few minutes of study.

    Magus Sendath: Go teach that amateur spellslinger what it means to wage war against the sin'dorei!
10/27/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Jerolan
No no, didn't you do the Hordeside quests in Azshara? The Highborne (the ones that are still technically night elves, anyway) are incompetents that never actually learned any new magic or skills in the 10,000 years they've hidden away in vast libraries and are chumps compared to the blood elves!

Only the Nightborne under their literal bubble have bothered learning new skills.

I always figured she was talking about the new trainees, coupled with Blood Elven ego. Besides, given things Liadrin and Lorash have said, I'm 100% sure Blood Elves have a new racial ability, called Misremembering and Outright Lying.
Reposting here what I just posted on the PTR Forums:

10/28/2018 10:26 AMPosted by Kyalin
To the OP, every single one of your points is correct, and as for myself, I would add that I have serious concerns about the overall mindset of the development team that, once they had finished the first draft, induced them to say "this is great, let's ship it". Things like that preclude me from resubscribing - I already watched for years as my subscription dollars were re-routed to pay for Horde power fantasies featuring my favorite race as the hapless victim, and I'm not about to re-invest until I know that won't happen again.


That long string of negativity is also very common in the wake of these changes. Maybe it's just me, but it seems to be the only thing I'm seeing.

Blizzard made a number of positive changes in the recent build that are notable not just because of the investment required to make them, but because they could signal a shift in mindset. The idea that they were ever going to make any change to the Darkshore scenario is simply shocking to me, but the sorts of changes they did make indicate that they are well aware of why we're upset, and that they care enough to make those changes.
10/28/2018 10:26 AMPosted by Kyalin
Why am I bringing all of this up? I'm doing it because it's just as important to signal what Blizzard is getting right as it is for us to point out what they are getting wrong. If positive changes like these are merely subsumed by a hail of "not good enough", the development teams might take the wrong lessons from those changes, and we will have lost whatever positive momentum they could have generated.

I'm not saying you're not right to be cautious, or that your core points aren't solid. This is still just the one step forward after two steps back. But if we ignore the positive aspects of these changes, we do so to our own detriment.

I certainly agree with you that if all Blizzard gets is negative feedback that it could possibly run negative results from them, and being on the end of nothing but hostility would majorly suck.

I definitely praise them for the changes that made the Night Warrior ritual make Tyrande appear powerful. I love all the changes. Especially considering how effective the changes were, when I falsely assumed that there would be nothing they could change that would make their first draft into a feel good moment in watching Tyrande.

However, the unfortunate part is that those changes, and praise for them, don't address any of the points I listed. I do not think barraging Blizzard with negative comments that are not constructive will help anyone. But praise, even well earned praise, will also not address issues that the praise worthy changes don't affect.

That is why I did my best not to just make a post of "Still sucks" or "Should have got it right the first time" - both of which should be simply overlooked. Instead I did my best to address exactly what the issues remaining that I see are, and made some suggestions as to ways to improve them.

This is also not a demand for them to use my exact suggestion. I have no idea what work it would entail to make changes, but at least I imagine it takes teams of people. But I would still like to see them address these changes in their own way rather than not.