Darkshore PTR Changes: The Good and still Bad

10/26/2018 11:17 AMPosted by Arlifrex
10/25/2018 09:41 PMPosted by Yersynia
Why is killing Belmont so important? Can you only consider something worthwhile if someone else loses something?

Blizzard insists that the Alliance losing things is needed to advance the story. Why the reluctance horde side?
Also the impact of losing Belmont gets diluted when you have Forsaken raising Alliance named characters en masse to turn against us as well as raising your own dead forces. So you lose Belmont. You get Sira Moonwarden, Delaryn Summermoon, Thomas Zelling, Lorash, Amalia Stone and Derek Proudmoore even just to give the named ones on top of them actively looking for a Kul Tiran war hero to raise as well in the form of Marshal M. Valentine.
10/26/2018 11:32 AMPosted by Amadis
But this tends to be a pattern for you. I don't often put people on ignore. I can probably count on one hand the number of people I have. But I also often don't find much value in anything you post, and so as I see no reason to burden my enjoyment of these forums with your presence I will be putting you on ignore now. So this will be the last time I ever read one of your posts, and obviously certainly respond to one.

To quote Zul: "good."

If reading any post that dismisses your wishes is unenjoyable - dont do it.

I post on threads people make. If those threads contain laughable demands to Blizzard - I will make a post addressing them as such. Because I like to comment when Blizzard is doing right AGAINST rabid headcanon RP type fans who wish to insert their dreamscape into the game I love.
10/26/2018 11:37 AMPosted by Calixto
10/26/2018 11:17 AMPosted by Arlifrex
Blizzard insists that the Alliance losing things is needed to advance the story. Why the reluctance horde side?
Also the impact of losing Belmont gets diluted when you have Forsaken raising Alliance named characters en masse to turn against us as well as raising your own dead forces. So you lose Belmont. You get Sira Moonwarden, Delaryn Summermoon, Thomas Zelling, Lorash, Amalia Stone and Derek Proudmoore even just to give the named ones on top of them actively looking for a Kul Tiran war hero to raise as well in the form of Marshal M. Valentine.

It is almost odd that there was so much complaint about losing Belmont when they were simultaneously gaining so much.

But that's not really a fair perspective. They are stating a connection with Belmont they got through questing that can't be replaced with new characters. That's the core of it for them.

And if Blizzard is catering to the Forsaken fans as well, I find it easiest to simply let them keep Belmont alive and safe away from interacting with the Alliance.

Or, once again, at the very least remove Tyrande's line about sparing Saurfang's life so it's not jarring when she spares Belmont's.
10/26/2018 02:30 PMPosted by Amadis
It is almost odd that there was so much complaint about losing Belmont when they were simultaneously gaining so much.

But that's not really a fair perspective. They are stating a connection with Belmont they got through questing that can't be replaced with new characters. That's the core of it for them.
There aren't many Forsaken heroes, so they get overly attached to the few they have. Belmont is probably the most memorable Forsaken in the Cata 1-60 experience.

I'd rather have it were no nightelves were raised. Let her raise horde instead.
10/26/2018 05:45 PMPosted by Vera
I'd rather have it were no nightelves were raised. Let her raise horde instead.

Honestly, I'd rather this, too, but given how much work they've put in to Sira, I think the best outcome we can hope for is simply getting the best presentation we can out of this worst case scenario.
10/26/2018 06:35 PMPosted by Amadis
10/26/2018 05:45 PMPosted by Vera
I'd rather have it were no nightelves were raised. Let her raise horde instead.

Honestly, I'd rather this, too, but given how much work they've put in to Sira, I think the best outcome we can hope for is simply getting the best presentation we can out of this worst case scenario.

They could have just raised horde troops/bloodelves . Thus giving the dark rangers a way in. She already does it to one of Lorethemar's subjects we find out. Not sure why they couldn't just switch it around and add bloodelf npcs.
10/26/2018 07:17 PMPosted by Vera
10/26/2018 06:35 PMPosted by Amadis
Honestly, I'd rather this, too, but given how much work they've put in to Sira, I think the best outcome we can hope for is simply getting the best presentation we can out of this worst case scenario.

They could have just raised horde troops/bloodelves . Thus giving the dark rangers a way in. She already does it to one of Lorethemar's subjects we find out. Not sure why they couldn't just switch it around and add bloodelf npcs.

True. But there is perhaps hope for the Undead Night Elves. If Delaryn really is Sylvanas, and Sylvanas is Arthas, as Sylvanas' claim to fame after her first death was helping the original Forsaken make claims on their free will, maybe Delaryn will ultimately come to help the Undead Night Elves claim their freedom from Sylvanas and ultimately realign with the living Kaldorei like Sylvanas eventually did reestablish ties with Quel'thalas.

As I said, I withhold judgement on the continuation of Delaryn's story until we see more of it.
10/26/2018 07:49 PMPosted by Amadis
<span class="truncated">...</span>

They could have just raised horde troops/bloodelves . Thus giving the dark rangers a way in. She already does it to one of Lorethemar's subjects we find out. Not sure why they couldn't just switch it around and add bloodelf npcs.

True. But there is perhaps hope for the Undead Night Elves. If Delaryn really is Sylvanas, and Sylvanas is Arthas, as Sylvanas' claim to fame after her first death was helping the original Forsaken make claims on their free will, maybe Delaryn will ultimately come to help the Undead Night Elves claim their freedom from Sylvanas and ultimately realign with the living Kaldorei like Sylvanas eventually did reestablish ties with Quel'thalas.

As I said, I withhold judgement on the continuation of Delaryn's story until we see more of it.

Or Delaryn ,Sira and the other undead nightelves break off from the forsaken. Rejoining the alliance as a new allied race. Allowing dark rangers for both sides. Since there are already dark bloodelf rangers within the horde ranks.
10/26/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Vera
Rejoining the alliance as a new allied race. Allowing dark rangers for both sides. Since there are already dark bloodelf rangers within the horde ranks.

Possible, but if we get any more playable Elves people's heads might explode.
10/26/2018 08:07 PMPosted by Amadis
10/26/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Vera
Rejoining the alliance as a new allied race. Allowing dark rangers for both sides. Since there are already dark bloodelf rangers within the horde ranks.

Possible, but if we get any more playable Elves people's heads might explode.

Numbers don't lie.

People play elves.

The elf allied races outnumber the non-elf races by quite a lot.

The forum-dwellers might talk about how awesome the Mag'har, or the Dark Iron, or the Lightf- okay, well, fine, not really Lightforged, but the other ones - are, but what actually gets played? It's been long enough that Mag'har population probably won't rise much higher. And though they're beating out Highmountain, they don't have a lick on Nightborne.

And Nightborne are the least popular of the game's elves.

At some point, someone needs to decide if the point is to add a race people will play, or something we "don't have already", just to say we did.
I dislike how Blizzard plays fast and lose with their rules on how magic works.

Cataclysm established that the Val’kyr could only raise humans en masse as Forsaken.
10/26/2018 10:35 PMPosted by Sigmar
I dislike how Blizzard plays fast and lose with their rules on how magic works.

Cataclysm established that the Val’kyr could only raise humans en masse as Forsaken.

This! All of a sudden Sylvannas gains more power with no explanation for it. Then of course they wait until BFA to show her raising skeletons at the battle for lorderon. Yet that would have been handy during the broken shore. So is she a banshee like Arthas had made her or a dark ranger? The other dark rangers were raised with her, so you would assume that they would have same powers as well.
10/26/2018 08:45 PMPosted by Sylassanna
10/26/2018 08:07 PMPosted by Amadis
Possible, but if we get any more playable Elves people's heads might explode.

Numbers don't lie.

People play elves.

Well, full disclosure, I am squarely in the playable Alliance High Elves camp, so I can't disagree with you there.

10/26/2018 10:35 PMPosted by Sigmar
I dislike how Blizzard plays fast and lose with their rules on how magic works.

Cataclysm established that the Val’kyr could only raise humans en masse as Forsaken.

This was surprising, but power creep is a tendency that feels rather natural in this kind of story telling that it isn't really one of the issues I have with this plotline.
Blizzard has stated that Sylvanas’s powers have grown. It never made sense that she could raise only humans in the first place.
10/27/2018 04:52 AMPosted by Arlifrex
Blizzard has stated that Sylvanas’s powers have grown. It never made sense that she could raise only humans in the first place.
Yeah, funny how it's only ever Horde powers that seem to grow and suddenly a ranger/banshee combo is... what do the Horde like to brag about? "Ragdolling" the demigod archdruid?
10/27/2018 06:59 AMPosted by Jerolan
Yeah, funny how it's only ever Horde powers that seem to grow

I don't know about that Jerolan. Jaina and Anduin have had their power grow this expansion as well, especially the former. Tyrande is getting a power up. Claiming it's "only ever Horde powers" that get to increase seems disingenuous on your part.

Do you truly believe it's only Horde heroes that get power creep, or are you just venting?

I understand frustration, but don't be so quick to make such claims. Alliance heroes' powers grow too, heck it was only a few months ago a few Horde players were complaining about jaina's power creep, don't fall into the same pitfalls.
10/27/2018 07:04 AMPosted by Ximothy
I don't know about that Jerolan. Jaina and Anduin have had their power grow this expansion as well, especially the former. Tyrande is getting a power up. Claiming it's "only ever Horde powers" that get to increase seems disingenuous on your part.

Do you truly believe it's only Horde heroes that get power creep, or are you just venting?
I suppose I could have worded it better. Only Horde heroes get power ups that matter.

I don't believe Jaina has been powered up much at all, or at least the new skills we see her use aren't much more impressive than things she or any other mage has done before. Even the ship thing was more bombastic and theatrical than useful. Khadgar had done about the same without a cutscene to make a huge deal of it.

Tyrande's power up is for the purpose of leading into a perpetual conflict that will go nowhere. Will it matter in the future? Maybe, but I'm jaded and doubtful. Maybe it will, but how long after that will she be chided for splitting the Alliance's attention?

And Anduin... eh. Hard to care about his power ups when they won't ever be used to combat the Horde. "Oh cool he can resurrect more neutral NPCs."
10/27/2018 07:11 AMPosted by Jerolan
I don't believe Jaina has been powered up much at all, or at least the new skills we see her use aren't much more impressive than things she or any other mage has done before. Even the ship thing was more bombastic and theatrical than useful.

See, I disagree, Jaina's actions at the Battle of Undercity blew out anything Jaina had acomplished, magic wise, before. She had to constantly maintain that ship flying, as well as disperse the Blight that, up until this point, had never been acomplished, and packed enough fire power on top of that to blow open the gates.

10/27/2018 07:11 AMPosted by Jerolan
Khadgar had done about the same without a cutscene to make a huge deal of it

What does it matter if Khadgar can or can't do it? You talked about characters increasing in power, the power of other characters isn't relevant to that.

Would it matter if the Lich King could easily do everything Sylvanas can do? No, Sylvie is still growing in power, the fact there's a death magic user with greater power doesn't change that.

10/27/2018 07:11 AMPosted by Jerolan
And Anduin... eh. Hard to care about his power ups when they won't ever be used to combat the Horde. "Oh cool he can resurrect more neutral NPCs."

I'm pretty sure healing fallen soldiers and creating shields is immensely powerful against the Horde, I have no idea why you think otherwise. Healing fallen soldiers so they can keep fighting would be amazingly useful when combating an enemy.

Does power really only matter in respect of how much damage it can do? Tides of battle could be turned with the type of power Anduin employs.

Anduin has only been a priest for six years, he's showing great progress, how is that not a case of Power increasing? He's only been a priest half as long as Sylvanas has been a Dark Ranger.
10/27/2018 04:52 AMPosted by Arlifrex
Blizzard has stated that Sylvanas’s powers have grown. It never made sense that she could raise only humans in the first place.

That's because it wasn't Sylvanas who was raising them. Aside from raising short term skeletons, like she did to the fallen Horde troops during the Battle for Lordaeron, she can't raise anyone. It's the val'kyr who were raising new Forsaken in Cata. The reason given for why they could only raise humans was that without the Lich King empowering them, they could only raise their own race, vrykul, or races that were descended from the vrykul, ie humans.

Somewhere between then and now the val'kyr became powerful enough to raise non-humans as well.