Group of 20 people finished the entire scenario “Battle for Darkshore” to the very end. Maiev is in an epic stare down with Sira. Nothing is happening and nothing can be triggered to start anything. Sira cannot be attacked, and Maiev is just chilling–not doing anything.
The entire scenario seemed totally fine. Except the transition to the fight stage (kill Sira) isn’t firing off. When we click on Maiev; all it says is, ::Maiev Shadowsong eyes the dark warden at the far end of the platform intently.::
What’s worse, this is my first time experiencing this but plenty of others are stating “2nd time ive gotten it”, “wtf it was working”, “been like this all day.”
Feels bad. Not sure what happened; but it was working and now its bugged and causing latency issues?
Edit: problems
It looked like a completed instance but on reflection, you may be correct.
Blizz, can you at least turn off the deserter buff until this is fixed?
I think I may be in the one Deviant was in. Anyways, I’m sitting here for about 15 mins and finally it is not putting new people in the instance (6 people in now), which is good. At least put better “oh, it messed up, at least we can make sure it dies faster” limits in? Just left and did not get a deserter debuff… so that’s good I suppose.
waiting a good 20 minutes; glad people stopped entering a dead instance. Weird and super annoying bug tbh
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Same exact thing, but it is still putting people into mine.
Had this happen in back to back instances to me just now.
This is the second time I have encountered this bug now.
Happened to me twice on alts, and both times the “Northshore” popup hit before glaives were available.
The best advice I can give to ensure an unbugged Maiev is to do the following.
Take mine.
Take mill.
Take left, then center, then up.
Once there, fly back to base and everyone needs to focus on getting glaives versus trying to slog it out any further.
Once you get at least one glaive active, it shouldn’t bug. Hasn’t across 4 other characters using this method, but I’ve been grouped with a lot of players who have experienced this today.
same problem, just give me my damn loot, I don’t care to try this over and over again with the same bug!
Same problem. At final boss but can’t fight.
Same exact problem. Got a deserter debuff because I had the misfortune of being put in a group on the broken last boss. Now I have to wait 30 minutes to queue again even though Sira was unkillable and the only thing I could do was stand there and stare at her with Maiev.
Please fix this already, this is ridiculous, it’s been going on since the warfront was released. #BetaForAzeroth
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It’s not Blizzard anymore, it’s Activision. They don’t give a flying F about their customers, just their pocket books. What’d you expect.