Darkmoon Overgrowth badly bugged

I think the Overgrowth deck is badly bugged and needs fixed. Spent 2 weeks farming the cards with over 50 princess runs. The deck requires effective healing to proc yet as an example on a long Boss (Morphaz) I healed 170k and the card regenerated only 101 mana the entire fight! That’s not enough mana for a extra spell or even a single extra stack of Lifebloom the entire fight. It’s not mediocre. Rather it’s just not working at all which is quite disheartening. Don’t know if it’s only druids or other classes it’s not proccing?


what about resource gains on energy and rage.

Was that 101 mana regenerated your mana only, or is that the TOTAL mana that was returned for the entire raid?

As a resto druid I was not able to test rage. However looking at the tooltip:
" Equip: [Chance on direct healing spell, and on effective healing over time ticks to restore 8 Energy, 1% Mana, or 4 Rage to the target. (Proc chance: 10%)]"

The card description actually gives the proc chance. That fact that in reality it only on average procs 0-2 times for a resto druid during long boss fights with hots all over the raid (Lifebloom, Wildgrowth, rejuvenation, efflorescence, nourish, etc) the entire fight means not only is it not providing ANY benefit to druid healers (you don’t get back enough mana to cast even a single extra spell during a boss fight), that it’s also broken and not following its own tooltip! I don’t know if it’s broken for other healers or only druids? But would be nice if a mod could point these problems to the proper bug fix teams? Thank you!

Seems there is similar problems with the decay card also barely procing at all. Considering the work that goes into getting these epic cards they really should reflect that in their abilities.

I know for a fact it doesn’t proc on efflorescence. but it does proc on shamans healing rain.