Darkmoon Faire?

Not on the calendar, also no pre-Faire wagons, etc. in Elwynn or Mulgore.


Now THAT is concerning.

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i think if the darkmoon faire was going away we’d have some kind of heads up about it. hopefully just some sort of issue with the calendar

I really hope you’re right but then why no pre faire wagon construction site?

i might be wrong but don’t those start popping up at like midnight server time?

Not sure. I’m in The Philippines now having left Texas in September so I haven’t figured out which end is up when it comes to server times and resets. It’s 6:35 pm here on Saturday.

if you mouse over the little clock on your mini map it’ll show you the realm time and the local time. i think i might be wrong about the wagons but i guess we’ll see what happens

Yeah. But earlier in the week prior to the actual opening of the faire. Same way construction shows up a week before Brewfest.

Same here. I even scrolled into further months of 2022 and I don’t see it mentioned in any month at all. Not sure why it is not listed at all for the year 2022. Personally, I would submit a Bug Report so Blizzard QA can look into it.


I thought the wagons didn’t show up until only a few hours before the Faire opened?

If TBC servers have the same schedule see if they have the workers setting up or not.

I thought it started the first Sunday of the month. Today is Saturday so it would be next week?

Probably just a screw up by blizurd.

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The wagons usually show up at server reset, the Saturday just before the faire opens, so hopefully they will show up later on today.


Well… tomorrow is the first Sunday of the month. Not next week. Next week is the 2nd Sunday.

Somebody else said it and might have a point: I just came back to retail recently and could very well be getting the retail & classic schedules mixed up. But even so, why not have it listed on the calendar? Hopefully it’s just a bug or an oversight.

I thought I saw somewhere it starts the 5th or 7th of January.

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Confirmed: no wagons, no faire portal, no faire people, not on calendar after Dec 2021.
Why is Blizz remaining silent on this??
We want answers!


It’s dead Jim.

Because it’s a holiday weekend.

Edit: problem solved


Yay! :clap: :clap: (Thank you!)

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