Realm time for OCE is based on AEST. Calendar time is based on PDT.
How many times do we have to say this before it penetrates your thick skull?
And we have provided reasons, backed up by blizzards own statements on the issue. This is not a bug. Your feelings on this issue is not important nor relevant.
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Right. That’s a bug, which is why I’m reporting it on the bug report forum. Hope you understand.
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Incorrect. If it’s working the way the developers intend, it cannot be a bug according to the only opinion that matters: Blizzard’s.
The fact you dislike it is actually the absolute least relevant thing in this discussion.
just leave the thread to drop folks.
you’ve done all you can.
Why would the developers intend for the calendar to be wrong?
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They intended the calendar to be unified to one time zone, and they chose their own.
NOTABUG working exactly as designed.
I don’t see why they’d design the calendar to be wrong.
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You could just…changed your computer’s own time zone to match Blizzard’s. That’s probably the best answer to a work-around you’re going to get, since this is not a bug.
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I don’t know how it works in NA realms but in OCE realms the clock shows “realm time” as well as local time. Realm time and the calendar should match.
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Realm time is set to wherever your server(s) are based in. In the case of OCE servers they are located in Sydney (as of WoD) and is based on AEST or AEDT (currently AEST). For NA, LA (Latin American) and Brazilian realms they are set to Los Angeles which is based on PDT (all year round for some weird reason). Therefore if you set your in-game cloak to realm time and go on a US, LA or Brazilian server it will show the time in PDT. Local time is whatever time your computers clock is set to. You can toggle between the two by clicking the box on which one you want. The calendar is based on the client most likely, which NA for NA, OCE, LA and Brazilian servers use. Therefore the calendar runs on PDT time.
Most events start and end around the same time so you can keep a list of the time conversions nearby. Given that blizzard has said numerous times that it is not a bug, it is not a bug. Once again, your feelings are irrelevant.
You should really cut yourself off from the idea that between the calendar, the realm time, and the local, the calendar and realm time should match without discrepancy. When, in actuality, NONE of them will sync up unless you, yourself, on client side, do something about it, also on client side. News flashy, this is fact even on NA, except for PDT, which it is set in. (Ever heard of the line, “A stopped clock is right twice a day?” kinda same application.) It’s right in PDT, it will not be right in Mountain, Central, Eastern, etc, but we have to adjust, just like you.
If you set your computer’s clock to read in PDT, then you’ll have your local time matching the calendar, that is if you can ignore realm time altogether. Or you can transfer to a realm that reads PDT in its realm time and calendar.
Okay, but I’m still not seeing how this isn’t a bug. DMF starts at 12:01am. Doesn’t say anything about PDT. Why show a start time for the event at all if it’s not going to start at that time?
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I’m confident Carathne actually understands, but has decided that obstructionist stubbornness is endearing and persuasive.
Blizzard will not consider it a bug. I’m sure QA has already looked at every one of your valuable contributions and decided to ignore the entire thread, so as to not bother the developers.
If you would like to see it changed, submit a suggestion using the in-game suggestion feature in the Support menu or post in a non-Support forum. Quests or General Discusson are good candidates.
I’m necro’ing this because it is still a relevant issue.
Either list event start times relevant to server times or give us a third clock to track events by.
Realm time
Local time
Event time
Having oceanic players having to keep track of local and foreign daylight savings just to attend an event on time is absurd. If the inverse were the case and American servers had to make this adjustment it would have been addressed long ago.
Except that US players who are not within the Pacific Time Zone portion of the country also have to mentally adjust their clock thinking. In my case, I’m two hours off from PDT.
When it’s working as intended, it’s not a bug regardless of who dislikes how it works.
It can’t be said to work as intended if it doesn’t work. If you have events listed to begin at a set time and neglect to specify by what time zone we’re even working (Imagine that even being a factor to event planning at all) then making any adjustment at all isn’t possible.
If not for entering this forum looking for what was wrong with the calendar, I would have never heard PDT. To say it’s working as intended is a stretch. Giving us a start time and no further information to make any adjustment is indefensible.
As I said, adding a third clock as an event clock would be a fine workaround, adding PDT to the times listed on the calendar would be a lazy but workable solution aswell.
Yet blizzard has continually announced that all times, even raid reset times are in PDT. The situation has existed for years yet you appear to be unaware of it. I don’t think blaming blizzard for lack of special notification to you is warranted.
Still, working as intended.
Funnily enough, Raid resets are the only thing the calendar shows properly. that’s kind of wonky.
Totally agree that there is no excuse for them not to have calendars adjust the time shown to match realm time. Yes, DMF and similar events make sense to all start at the same mean time globally… but to not to do a quick adjustment to calendars to have them show realm time for it is ridiculous.