Without beating around the bush: Final Fantasy XIV’s Gold Saucer is worlds above Darkmoon Faire. It has quite the assortment of events, many of which can be done with other players. It has many cool minigames. Earning MGP doesn’t feel like a huge slog, and there’s many ways to obtain it. There’s a weekly lottery drawing, as well as a daily lottery ticket (you can play up to three a day). Let’s not forget Triple Triad, and the list goes on. Above all else, it’s open 24/7/365.
Darkmoon Faire has its place in my heart. It has a few minigames and a ticket system for earning prizes. It’s aesthetically pleasing and it’s nice having a reason to go back for a bit each month. However, I think it’s long overdue for a significant overhaul.
I would like to see the Darkmoon Faire open 24/7/365 first of all. I would also like to see the Faire receive many more additional minigames, including minigames that involve others. Yes, that includes the jumping puzzles! I would also like to see the ticket currency reworked so it feels less grindy and more rewarding. I’d like to see more prizes available. I’d like to see…
…I guess what I’m saying is, I’d like to see the Darkmoon Faire brought up to Gold Saucer standards. I think that’s the simplest way to make my point.
Thanks Blizzard for considering this feedback.
Yes/no from me.
I think fundamentally stuff like GATES and mini cactpot make going GS fun but it is the same set of games that have been there for ages. So many games there suck and haven’t been touched/tuned in years (lord of verm/mahjong/half the mini games).
The takeaway having come from FF is that they need to make the reward system in DMF less complicated. Make it a currency you get straight away. Darkmoon currently operates in a way that is an online simulation of a real fair (cutting tickets going on rides) which might not appeal to the instant gratification level of ppl playing mmos nowadays.
if its 24/7/365 it’ll be empty and depressing.
Didn’t they only have one dev who did DMF updates as a side hobby? I sort of remember that the coaster was some dev’s private pet project that they did on their own time.
Darkmoon is fine, and entertains me way more than Gold Saucer ever did. Probably because it has more life and personal touch to it than XIV’s style over substance bull.
Really, all I’d say needs to be changed with Darkmoon is upping ticket payout just a little bit, since it only comes around every first week of the month. But even then, not something I’ll stomp my feet over, just think would be nice.
I also don’t want it open all the time. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and it’s something incredibly enjoyable to look forward to every month. Gold Saucer, meanwhile, I’d go to… maybe once, when new things released. Then never go back. I got more entertainment out of idling in my house while tabbed to Youtube or Netflix than I did in Gold Saucer.
It’s soulless. Darkmoon Faire, meanwhile, felt like I was back at a carnival - just like I used to go to when I was a kid. It continues to feel that way every time it comes around.
Stop trying to make things soulless and pointless like XIV’s deluge of wasted content and potential. Some of us like how things are here because it’s different from that.
It’s pretty much like that in its current state though.
That’s a little disheartening if that’s true ![:frowning: :frowning:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/frowning.png?v=12)
I would like to see rewards added as well. For my main, I have everything associated with DMF with the exception of a couple races I believe (although I may even have those completely done - I’ll have to double check). There’s some still replica mogs for my alts I don’t have but getting things on alts doesn’t feel anywhere near as good as getting something on my main. I know, that’s a me problem, but the Faire still needs a lot of love and attention.
Regardless of 14, I would like more things added to DMF.
It needs Denathrius’s personal Cathedral residence built where the currently under construction Exposition Pavilion currently is.
His residence should have the usual Revendreth Architecture and have a Dungeon or Raid installed in it.
Why you may ask? Because the 10.1.5 Warlock Questline reveals that Lord Banehollow has been running Darkmoon Isle until the Player Warlocks come in and kill him.
Lord Banehollow is a Nathrezim(they all serve Denathrius by the way) so that means that Denathrius is the owner of Darkmoon Isle(which is probably somewhere in Revendreth as likely as not) and that Silas Darkmoon is renting off of him.
Of course since the Faire is only present one week of the Month Blizzard can have Denathrius’s lackeys run the Circus on the Isle during the rest of the Month and allow us to visit during those times. Zovaal is dead so Denathrius might as well work on making himself richer while demanding Anima tithes extracted from the Nathrezim’s victims as he lounges about his new home.
Absolutely. I only used the Final Fantasy XIV comparison to give Blizzard an idea as to what I’d like to see in the Darkmoon Faire. More things, more rewards, more fun!
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