Darkmoon Faire is upon us again!

And time to play my favorite mini-game there!

Putting Water Walking on people getting into the cannon! The trick is to do it just as they’re launching!



It’s funnier if you pretend to AFK near the cannon XD



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Yup, it’s so fun to cause a person to die and fail the quest they are working on. Good for you, you are a jerk.


It actually doesn’t kill anyone, I’ve tried it myself multiple times, at most it just takes about a little more than half on people; less if you’re Pandaren.


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I remember when the floor would break at the end of Trial of the Grand Crusader, right before Anub’arak.

DK’s would turn on Path of Frost and kill the whole raid.

It never got old, lol. I mastered disengaging before hitting the water- I played a hunter at the time, so I could at least save myself hahaha.


That is brilliant, I love it!

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Ah yes the Darkmoon Faire which is renting the Circus of Darkmoon Isle off of Lord Banehollow one of the Nathrezim of Sire Denathrius…

I’m sure that with Lord Banehollow’s demise next Patch that Sire Denathrius may be inspired to personally attend the Circus and make his ownership of the island official. Maybe he can build his Cathedral House where the Exposition Pavilion currently stands? After all all the other Tents have been replaced so why not make his new home where the final Tent is?


What in specially marked boxes of Wheaties are you going on about?

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Lord Banehollow runs the Island and Circus when the Faire is not up. Lord Banehollow is a Nathrezim and the Nathrezim serve Sire Denathrius which means he is the one really calling the shots on Darkmoon Isle which is probably an Island somewhere in the Death Realm of Revendreth.

Of course the Warlock Players are going to kill Lord Banehollow in the Questline so his master Denathrius will probably hear the news and realize that someone from the Warlocks is going to blurt out the truth forcing him to drop all pretense and hopefully remove the still being constructed Exposition Pavilion and build his new Keep in it’s place so that he can personally make his ownership of the Island and Circus official.

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What’s this have to do with what I’m saying? The moment I MENTIONED Darkmoon Faire and you decided to just come in with this?

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