WTF is going on right now with Darkmoon Faire buff?!?! Hunter bots are running around and the Alli are camping Sayge to stop Horde from getting the buff. The griefing is annoying, but the botting that goes around and one-shots anyone around the zone is outrageous.
Why do I never see these kinds of threads when DMF is in Mulgore and horde are doing the exact same thing?
cause the alliance raids actually out perform the horde raids they put up lol
Where there’s a will to complain, the Horde will always yell loudest.
because the alliance hide behind guards and DHKs so horde cant make raids to fight and the alliance dont have a deterrent to forming raids against the horde campers?
probably because of the added benefits alliance has in the form of high level elite guards and civilians that give dishonorable kills that the alliance sit on and nuke you from.
add those to mulgore and watch the forums explode from alliance tears.
Remember, if you chose a pvp server, you chose this. There really is no excuse for not knowing at this point.
just a bit of people roleplaying as guards.
I chose a pvp server to pvp but civilians in a pvp area restrict pvp. Would absolutely love to engage in some great fights but losing ranks just because I grouped up to fight the groups that are camping keeps pvp from happening on a pvp server.
Sounds like you chose poorly expecting that they would change this.
naw not really expecting anything to change.
just airing something thats clearly stupid.
maybe it will get changed though? who knows?
I just get my buff and get out, never once have I lost my buff. I just think its pretty pathetic to use civilians as cover and then pretend like “horde and alliance are doing the same thing!” Naw, we arent. If we wanted to camp the way they camp they know how it would end, see BG screeching from alliance.
My mage got stomped by a horde raid in Elwynn last night idk what you guys are complaining about.
were you also witness to the horde raid inevitably getting a dhk by some random in the raid cause they killed a civilian?
How is that an alliance caused issue, maybe don’t tab target and spam abilities in the town?
sure thing.
and half the time it was an “accident” too.
they need to add civilians and guards to mulgore so the alliance can share in the “fun”.
id prefer they just remove the civilian tag so wpvp can happen but putting civilians next to the hordes dmf would be pretty entertaining, would have to put it really close to the tent for it to be fair. We dont need guards though, let the alliance have that crutch they need it pretty bad.
honestly it would be hilarious seeing them rage about it after laughing at us for it for so long.
cope seeth rage wage cage gg pvp happened on a pvp server git gud
On my server horde started it first. Used to be pretty easy to get the buff for anyone. I never saw skeletons in elywn forest. Now I log on and there’s plenty of skeletons in the forest, because we got sick of horde camping it when it was in mulgore. Its revenge time baby, I’ll camp as many people as I can. My character is parked in the lions pride inn so I dont even have to walk far to do some more ganking.