Darkmoon Fair Buff Griefers

I hate to have to say it, but the sooner you realize that “PvP” servers are “griefing and ganking” simulators, the better off you’ll be. Fair and engaging open world PvP is a myth. It’s sad, but its the world we live in.


Tldr: pvp happened on pvp server.


The pvp is engaging, but war is never fair.

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One of the first thing you learn of WoW Vanilla is to not join a PvP server. I suggest you reroll on PVE server while the level cap is still low.

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I thought they added the Chronoboon for this? Doesn’t the buff just go straight into the Chronoboom?

Takes 10s cast to boon it up and cannot be done in combat (at least not pve combat not 100% sure about pvp combat). Gotta wipe the enemies before you take the buff, then boon it up, after that you can pvp all you want and death will not impact your buff.

Gotcha, thanks.

turn off your pvp flag.

Please, blizzard, save me from the consequences of my own actions!

Are you on a pvp server?

If so, then kill them, get your buff and move on

PvP happening?!? ON MY PVP SERVER?!?!?!?!

Just grab it in your faction control zone where you can have pvp off?

Its me, I probably killed you. I got about 25 hordies with buffs today, but died 3 times. Its called pvp, and its a great spot to have some 1v1 battles. Deal with it, or go pve server. Thanks!

They don’t even ban bots do you really think they have GMs to ban “griefers”?

They let people dispel and kill world buffs all during OG classic. They won’t do anything.

This isn’t Vanilla this is SOD. By the final phase SOD will look nothing like Vanilla.

gO bAck to ReTaiL


pure brain rot

This is really a low IQ response and irrelevant.

SOD I repeat…SOD is for WoW players. It’s not for Vanilla players or Retail players. It’s for EVERYONE. It’s a new game for WoW Players. Which is a good thing.

Nope thats not the case.

Actually SoD is just a PTR for classic +