Darkmoon Decks

I am coming to this late since I don’t play my inscriptionist much. I do not see a recipe for Darkmoon Deck boxes like they were in DF. I did make a couple decks by combining cards, but they are ilevel 577. I have looked all over but I don’t see a way to upgrade these to anything higher. I do see in some of the BiS stuff in wowhead that the decks are shown as high as Mythic 6/6.

What am I missing? Are there higher level cards to combine for higher level decks? Can decks be crafted higher by some means?

Sorry if this is obvious, but I am lost.

Darkmoon cards drop from mobs if you have the inscription profession. You can increase their drop rate with the appropriate specialization in the tree. To make the deck, you collect the set and simply click on one of the cards. The resulting deck is BoE and can be sold on the AH.

They cannot be upgraded but they can be turned into an embellishment

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That’s what I thought. I was surprised to see upgraded decks shown as trinket options in wowhead and it threw me off.

I mean wowhead still has a guide for DF professions up that says “high end weapon enchants cannot be created without inspiration” so… Yeah idk about the info there lol! It’s all user created and is it updated? Is it correct? Sometimes!

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