Darkmoon Deck weak aura/addon

There are WA’s and addon’s for different cards, or addons to track when cards are cheap… But what I cannot find is one that simply customizes the display of what card is up for Darkmoon Deck Box: DANCE. It doesn’t even need to show me all the cards, just when the ACE is up. I can’t spend the majority of my time on a boss/fight looking at my buff bar waiting for it, and if I am not watching it, I will likely miss it. If I knew how to write auras, I would do it myself.

Nevermind, I went back to an old-school method.

1- download NeedToKnow
2- disable all but one bar window
3- take single bar and make it large enough to see easily
4- name that one bar “Ace of Air”

Now, I not only know when the Ace is up… I can literally ignore the other cards cause if it is not Ace, the icon disappears. Out of Sight, Out of Mind.

Just get the sigil embellishment and your DM will always be ACE for max effect. Best of all: the sigil does not count against embellishment cap. :slight_smile:

I know all this… But the first time it hits ace is important cause I want to get the trinket on CD as soon as possible for more damage over the course of fight, which is where the value of the trinket it. And since I want the first use to also be Ace, I want to know exactly when I can hit it.

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I just macro’d mine to abilities I will use in big pulls, so I’ll be sure to use it on CD.

That’s the thing… I don’t want to just blow it on CD. I would rather wait the 10 to 30sec for it to hit ace and know that every on-use is max damage, then do it on CD, only get one extra use and risk doing multiple LOW card damage.

Question. My deck has been on 7 of air for the top card since crafting with the Ace on top embellishment.

No matter how long I am in combat or how many times I use it, it never changes.

Been playing with it in m+ for 4 hours and it’s never switched from the 7.

Am I missing something?

Mine shuffles till it finds the Ace, then stays there. Jetscale Sigil.

Hmmm… Mine does shuffle in combat till it finds Ace.
It reverts to 7 when I hearth or leave an instance.

Mine shows as 7 out of combat, then after 2-3 seconds in combat the buff icon goes away and doesn’t come back until I’m out of combat.

There is no way for me to see what card is on top and no weakaura/Needtoknow setting works.

It’s only doing about 40k per usage so something isn’t adding up.

I said in the post that have that and I only care about it hitting the Ace at the start cause I don’t want to risk it not hitting ace at all (each use resets the deck shuffle if not ACE, if I remember correctly).

When that happens, you have to unequip it then re-equip it.

There are several trinkets with gnarly bugs (like how the Primalist Shell, once unequipped, will revert to the wind proc by default even if it isn’t what you selected at the turtles).

FYI - Seems like it gets bugged when equipped in the 2nd trinket slot (14)

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I downloaded needtoknow, removed the extra two bars, and put Ace of Air into the remaining field.

When the ace is drawn, there is no visible change in the bar.

I tried it in quotes too in case you meant “Ace of Air” with similar results. I ,like you also want to make sure it’s locked in as ace before I start using

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Did you type “/Needtoknow” again to make the bars disappear?

I didn’t. I think that may be the key. Thank you!!

Hopefully I am remembering it correctly…

1: Type /needtoknow, to enable bar editing
2: Right-click the bar you wish to use for tracking the buff
3: You should see an option for “Choose spell, item, or ability”
4: In the text field that appears, put “Ace of Air” (without quotation marks)
5: Click Accept
6: Type /Needtoknow again to lock in the buff.

This is how I set it up and it the buff shows when the first Ace comes up.

Can just grab this and change the deck

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Ok, you got me re-thinking how I use my trinket. I’m gonna give your WA a try. :slight_smile:

Ok I tweaked a WA to display clearly when ACE is drawn. It was pretty easy; I copied one from wago that was designed for Inferno Deck and just changed the spell ID. Then I went to target dummies for testing. I found that neither Jetscale nor Azurescale Sigils work the way they are described on tooltip.

Azurescale Sigil: “Your Darkmoon Deck now shuffles from greatest to least.”
It doesn’t though. It shuffles from 7 to least, then finally to greatest. The net effect is that it takes longer, on average, to arrive at Ace than if you used no sigil at all.

Jetscale Sigil: “Your Darkmoon Deck no longer shuffles when the Ace is drawn.”
Which makes it sound like you’ll be getting all Aces, but that’s not how it works. A more accurate tooltip would state “Your Darkmoon Deck pauses shuffling when the Ace is drawn”, because it still resets to 7 and resumes shuffling after each use and between combats.

My research so far tells me I’m better off using my deck on CD than saving it for ACE and getting fewer uses. None of these sigils are actually good and useful. I’d rather get more uses of the 3rd best card (7), than fewer uses waiting for ACE. I’ve gone back to macroing deck to everything I use on big pulls, so I don’t have to think about it and get max uses every run.