Darkheart Thicket 'Corruption Pool' Debuff Didn't Go Away Until Death

Reporting a bug my group encountered while in a M+ Darkheart Thicket run.

The caster vomits forth 3 Nightmare Abomination that spread pools of corruption. Corruption pools inflict 41198 Shadow damage every 2 sec to any enemy in it. ==> hxxps://www.wowhead.com/spell=218755/spew-corruption

Corruption Pool however didn’t go away, even after the boss was dead.

It remained on our tank until he died several minutes later.

Here’s logs and a video for proof of concept or whatever.



Thanks, hope you can fix this one



Just here to say I just experienced it multiple times on my tank. 1/16/24 NA - Illidan

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Had the same today in 2 different runs, one with a Warrior tank and the other with a Druid tank. Corrupting debuff did not go away until either died to different mechanics. That DOT can tick pretty hard even for a tank.

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We had the same issue, also with the nightmare pool on the first boss, swapped tanks and reset, had issue with the corrupting pool on new tank, even exiting the instance the debuff remained.

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Can confirm this bug. I got it as the tank, finished the mythic+ dungeon, hearthed back and the debuff didn’t go away. Ended up dying in Valdrakken.

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Yup adding to this. Our tank is having the same issue.

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Duplicate thread:
DHT Corruption Dot - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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Just experienced this bug today as well with my tank in a 22…


Same here, just got out of Darkheart Thicket mythic on my monk. Was running almost the whole dungeon w/ it burning and didn’t clear even after defeating the last boss. Died standing around in town after porting out.

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Just had the same bug. Also on Illidan NA.

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Same problem! Toxic player thought i was lying too :frowning:

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Just happened to me in a +25 on my pally

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Happened in my key just now in a +24. Happened yesterday as well in another +24. Hope it gets patched!!

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Duplicate thread: Archdruid Glaidalis (DHT) Nightfall bug - #8 by Skulled-barthilas

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Please fix!

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Just experienced this in my key. Tank had to die to remove the debuff.

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