Darkglare feels out of place

I love Darkglare because its pretty much a Cacodemon. Please don’t bully them

I agree that Dark Glare would be more interesting if it worked with an aura of some sorts instead of casting nukes.

Or a PVP ability that made the Dark Glare eat up to 5 enemy buffs in a 25y radius a buff every 3 seconds.

Wishful thinking that Dark Glare could be a node choice between a ‘cooldown version’ and a weaker, but permanent pet with an interrupt.

God how I’d love to see our Uber demon summon move over to the Class tree then have this as a talent. Empower your Darkglare with some cool effect, or give us Grimoire Of Supremacy and let us have a permanent noodle nose who increases DoT duration by 2 seconds every 5 attacks or something.

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Agreed, it should shoot out dots based on our GCD.

Another thing that we’ve begged for & been completely disrespected & ignored.

It should apply UA, corr,agony to all enemies within 20/30y of the target when summoned , if dots are already on said targets then it extends the duration.

Now that’s a cd i’d get behind tbh.

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