I think this racial just needs to have a lower CD and it would be a lot more enticing. The Dracthyr comparison already gives a constant 40% double jump boost vs a 2 min CD with mediocore secondary racials.
I would almost go as far as 1min or 45 second CD.
Or my other suggestion is it lower CD on class mobility like the evoker buff.
Some players want it to be a leap like in the Gilneas intro, other are suggesting to add a Clearing movement impairing effects or even better: A permanent passive speed boost of 2 - 4 %.
Something to make the talent on par with others.
Yea I saw the idea of making it add some anti slow like DKs or a snare break is also a decent direction. Some utility. No one is rushing to this race for a measley 40% increase on a 2min CD. Even if you can stack it, i doubt anyone is getting excited over a 240% movement sprint needing to use 2 CDs for it.
A leap i feel might be to close to goblin rocket boots but idk maybe if they copy warrior heroic leap or make it more like a charge.
I’m pretty sure no one is getting excited about being able to stack dark flight with other movement speeds.
Would giving worgans an insta ground mount option be broken? Lol kind of like druid. Running on all fours shouldn’t take that long versus mounting a horse
How about merging Running Wild and Darkflight by removing the cast time on running wild. And then when used in combat it only lasts like 3 seconds then goes on CD for a minute. Dropping combat refreshes the CD.
Better burst mobility in combat more often but it’s also mounted so you can’t cast or attack during either.
Bonus points if it starts at like 200% mount speed and decays over 3 seconds to 100% so even out of combat it has a nice twist to it, can just slap a 10sec cd on it or something like soar which has a bonus flap up
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Well at least a leap would make better use. Currently a 40% speed increase on 2 min cd is pretty useless regardless of what it stacks with.
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Well its a 90 second cooldown now. There’s still the issue where some abilities still cannot be self activated while darkflight is active, such as tiger’s lust and angelic feather. Tiger’s lust can be used first and then darkflight second, and the 2 properly stack, however darkflight will clear any angelic feather buffs when activated. Not sure what other abilities darkflight will suppress still.
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So basically still needs a buff since the stacking isn’t doing much if it doesn’t work with all movement buffs, additional if it did it’s still miniscule in comparison to the rest of movement racial abilities.
Its just the 2 as far as I can tell.
It would actually be pretty cool if it could work like a sudo shadow step on a 2min cd.
Like leap to an enemy or an ally. Then a 3 second speed boost just like shadow step does.
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I feel like any sort of leap will have decreased usefulness for casters, even compared to current darkflight
Actually, priest leap fear would be scary now you mention it lol. But I was thinking the defensive side of it being able to leap to allies would be beneficial for ranged.
And not all racials are really tuned for ranged vs melee.
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I am pretty excited for my worgen priest!!!
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