Dark Talon Reputation Lost

I was told by a GM to post in the bug reports forum for reputation that was reset for Dark Talon in Dragonflight. I don’t know when my rep was reset, but doing some achievements in Forbidden Reach I realized it was reset and put in a ticket. Below is the ticket:

Initial ticket:
The issue is related to Dark Talons rep being reset. There was a help option in your help section called:

Dark Talons Reputation Reset to Neutral
What to do if your reputation with the Dark Talons has reset to neutral.

However, the link doesn’t work, so I am here to write a ticket. I do not know when my rep was reset, but I went back to the Forbidden Reach to do some achievements and realized my Dark Talons reputation was reset to neutral. I don’t know if I was exalted, but I was at least revered.

I’ve been looking online and see this was a common problem and am hoping you could help out. I did use a race change service, but it was prior to Dragonflight.

GM Response:
This is Game Master Ranygyzo. I previously reviewed your case about Dark Talons Reputation Reset to Neutral.

First, I apologized for the delay at the time, as our team was managing a high volume of requests, ensuring we handled them in the order they arrived. I appreciate your patience while we worked to get back to you.

After taking a look at your ticket I can tell that the quatermaster Treysh sells items for achieving certain levels of reputation, so please take a look on this NPC, because there are currently no known issues with this achievement. We recommend reporting a bug if the issue persists after buying the items mentioned above, for now we don’t have any workaround.

I hope the information provided previously was helpful in addressing your concern. If you have any other questions or need help with anything else in the future, just let us know. GMs have been created to help you in any way we can.
Take care and best wishes,
Warm regards,
GM Ranygyzo.

My Response:
GM Ranygyzo,

Thanks for the suggestion on checking the quartermaster. They sell 4 mounts that require exalted reputation, Guardian Vorquin, Armored Vorquin Leystrider, Majestic Armored Vorquin and Swift Armored Vorquin.

According to the quartermaster, I do not have the rep to purchase any of these. However, I already have all 4 ‘Already Known’. So it appears I did in fact have my reputation to exalted before and it was reset.

You mentioned putting in a bug report which I will do now. Please let me know if there is any other solutions you know I should do as well.



This is one of many known data loss bugs that first appeared in the TWW patch from August 2024. Currently the only known way to avoid the bug is to not play.


Yup, this hasn’t been fixed still. It’s when Warbands came out, this reputation has an alliance equivalent and my fully exalted Horde character had their reputation reset. There have been other posts on it.