Dark rider ghost mechanic immediately MCing Healer

our healer is getting MC’d the moment a ghost is visible to them

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people will get a debuff and see ‘torments’ if you do not kill these party members will get MC’d

They are hard to spot so best strat is just press tab every now and then if you target something other than boss kill it ASAP

Healers also will need to DPS these if they get targeted.

If healer is getting insta MC’d, someone else is not killing the torments

apparently the healer IS the one it’s being revealed to and it immediately MCs them, I know that only one person should be able to see it. Perhaps it becomes briefly visible in order to carry out the possession once the mechanic was failed

Also we are receiving the burning web debuff in the lich room when near the stairs

Yes only one person can, but the torments can attack and MC anyone.

Its likely someone just isnt killing the torments that are attacking you healer, then he gets the torment vision later because it chooses randomly

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I know I would get dazed by the invisible mobs and that let me know one was up. I think it’s probably best to have everyone stacked on the boss that way they can see any torments - if people are near the edge of the darkness the torment can be in it and be invisible to everyone.

Our healer I think swapped a rune to pick up an offensive spell to handle this type of situation

we were stacked the entire time

I see Blizzard still doesn’t understand ‘Fun’.

Your healer needs to kill the little add that spawns. It has like 3000 health and looks like (and is named after) one of the group members. It doesn’t have a nameplate though so you need to tab target it.

i.imgur . com/vMVEhb7.jpeg

It looks like that.

“wahh I have to pay attention and do the mechanics instead of just mindlessly zugging, this is not fun!”


best strat is just have everyone pressing tab every now and then, if they target anything else other than the boss, kill it

I’m quite sure this is still a bug / issue because of the 10 that spawned (over 4 attempts) the healer got all 10.

If it were random, then the chance that the healer got targeted and revealed would be 1 in 5, and so for that to happen 5 times in a row (and this is just one instance, it happend in many other runs too) the chance would be 1 in 5^10,

one in nearly 10, 000, 000

This is not a coincidence that everyone has the same experience. Maybe the mob is “revealing” itself to the first person that aggros it, and the healer is always the one because from the dark, no stray AoE (why would there be AoE?) can hit it.

Not really. It sounds like the healer was assuming the group would peel the add off them; not knowing only they can see the add (at least that appears how it works from reading the OP’s posts).

Since this is still fairly new, I don’t think pulling the “know mechanics” card is valid. Especially since I don’t see anything on the WoWhead guide about apparitions; I’m assuming it’s from the Oppressive Darkness mechanic.

…and “DPS checking” the healer is just… ‘/facepalm’-levels of poor game design. They don’t need the distraction.

PS: For a completely unreasonable relation to this. I may have to go and make a Weakaura to randomly play random Seeker (Valheim) noises.
PSS: We’s hates the Mist…HAAATES ITSSSS!

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how about healers see those adds and they need to full heal em so they disappear, already a better mechanic than forcing healers to waste multiple GCDs and attention away from doing their actual thing.

Today and the day before no issues, but I am hearing reports that Spriest Homunculus (lil homies) can bug out this specific mechanic as well.

And to clarify for Illutian’s comment, the priest healer two days ago that this original post was made for was aware that only he could dps it, it just immediately MC’d him before he could even try to do anything

DM warns you when the illusions are coming so look for it.

I ran into this issue today as well as a healer. I was even taking damage and no mob to kill this time. Didn’t even show on combat log. Just suddenly MC’d and group would wipe. Was standing the light, was looking for the copies to target and nothing. One guy in our group was new so the only thing I could guess is that their copy aggroed on me and they did not kill it. Seems a little buggy tho

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this illusion mechanic is proper :poop:


  • allow all people to see adds and increase HP to compensate
  • healers can heal the add to beat the mechanic
  • remove it

Whoever is supposed to kill the add isn’t killing it. The add also needs to be in the light. We had a group where the healer was complaining about no one killing the add. He left. We 4 manned the boss with no issues - he was the issue and not killing his add.

Just kill it - it has very little health. It’s not hard - use your buttons.

because having to 12k damage to 4-5 adds over the fight as a healer is so reasonable even when pressure is on tanks.
they got healing mechanics right in retail where they dont have to do DPS but heal.