Dark Ranger Velonara

Poor Arcanist Valtrois must be bored out of her mind. All of that wit and sass of hers going to waste.



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Meh. I never understood the appeal of Sira as a character. In life she was basically just a poor copy of Maiev and in death her whole schtick seems to be being excessively bloodthirsty and crying that everyone abandoned her.
The last bit of sympathy I had for her died when in Shadows Rising she was so eager to sacrifice troll children ( something that even Nathanos thought was unnecessarily cruel)

Velonara, on the other hand, is a character I really like and also wish to see more of.
Of all the Dark Rangers she always felt like the most relatable and most approachable to me, probably because she has been working for the horde and with my character on several occasions and not just for selfish goals.
And I also really want to know more about her ( or her mother’s ) history with the Scarlet Crusade.


Of the many WoW characters that should probably have given more thoughts about the burning of Teldrassil after the fact, Velonara is probably the one that has the most reflection in it. Killed defending her home from invasion, her people decimated, raised into undeath and losing parts of her personality due to it. It makes sense that some Undead Night Elves find her entirely relatable. Yet she still went to serve at the Darkshore Warfront after the burning. Though oddly enough that would have given Velonara a front row seat of Maiev begging Sira to come back to her, a considerable contrast to the rejection Velonara initially experience from Silvermoon when she got her free will back.


It’s not really an organisation as opposed to being a specific elite group of Sylvannas’ minions. in the TTRPG it’s a prestige class created by the Banshee Queen herself when she found that she had lost her nature-derived abilities.

Most are undead high elves raised by Arthas himself.

The second generation were undead humans trained by Nathanos Blightcaller but I haven’t seen any representation of them in game.

The third generation are drawn from those night elves killed in the War of Thorns. Those that didn’t become Angry Wisps intead.

Sira as a Character was kind of the only good living Warden that was trying to do what was best for her sisters and even her leader Maiev. But then BFA happened and well you know what happened to her since then.

These people are in the simplest of terms, wrong