Dark Ranger Update feedback!

First I would like to say how thankful and impressed I am that the dev’s listened to the community and gave Dark Ranger a whole rework! It really needed it, for me it was my biggest disappointment with the new expansion. With that being addressed i’m a happy camper right now.

“Rapid Fire has received a Visual Update” - Between live and PTR i can’t spot a difference? Is this not on Ptr yet?

“Bleak Arrows” - Your auto shots now deal Shadow Damage and bypass armor. - Can we please get a Visual update for this? Shadow looking auto shots would fit this talent much better!

I will continue to update this post but this is what i have for now.


Let’s go a full step further and give hunters a class spell book like Warlock’s fel fire. Give hunters black/purple spell effects.


I actually thought the same thing like I wanted a way for arcane shot and rapid fire to look like shadow but I was afraid that would mean all of our dmg would then become shadow and that wouldn’t be good we need physical still. So ya a cosmetic spell book would be great!


Especially since playing the campaign Alleria has the void effects which look much cooler than anything dark ranger has going on visually even in PTR.


Not really feedback, but i just want to say how weird it feels to have Wailing Arrow in the spec tree now that Dark Ranger is a thing. Especially after MM has received 2 reworks since the introduction of Dark Ranger.

The silence being exclusive to DR would have been problematic, but it could either have been moved to Explosive Shot, or Sentinel could have gotten something similar.

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