Dark Ranger MM - Logical fixes

  1. Bell tolls is an unneccesary talent. Black arrow is already coded to perform the function of bell tolls without even taking the talent. Remove it, and put hunter modifiers back into the tree here. Either put the whole overwatch talent, or part of the overwatch talent back in place here.
  2. Shadow hounds/Soul drinker. Hounds is an amazing talent for BM. BM gets to proc hounds off of DB, and off of DB procs from KC. BM mastery and it’s +pet damage talents impact hounds. Marks procs hounds significantly less often and they don’t do much damage when you do get it to proc. Soul drinker is an equally useless talent. Put something that is marks-centric in place of soul drinker since BM has hounds.
  3. Withering fire needs a choice node. Aimed shot, rapidfire, and black arrow cannot be tuned in such a way where they’re ever independently threatening outside of trueshot in PvP, because withering fire makes aimed/rf cast black arrows off global, which will result in random oneshots/global death situations that nobody wants to play against. Conversely, when tuned to not allow that, the base damage of all three spells are just so low that marks is never threatening because it needs to get insanely lucky on when black arrow procs in trueshot to even begin pulling defensive cooldowns. Nerf withering fire by 75% in pvp, and give it a choice node similar to the old withering fire effect. This way, you can actually put base damage back into marks other spells without having to worry about withering fire globalling people, because you will have made withering fire a very bad decision to take in PvP from the get-go.
  4. Bleak arrows is backwards between marks and BM. At minimum, marks should have the same chance to proc BA from autos as BM. BM already procs way more BAs off of kill command than marks gets to proc via aimed/rf.
  5. Phantom pain is a bad talent. If you don’t want to put all of the hunter modifiers back into one talent, consider this as another option.

DR rework and ensuing bug fixes literally killed marks in PvP, and have created a monster in BM. You need ranged hunters competitive in the meta to keep other things in line. People will play marks if you fix it. A lot of people really don’t want to play BM, but it’s the only ranged option that currently works in PvP. A lot of people really don’t like playing in metas when BM is a feature spec, because of its mechanics. Please take this into consideration.