Dark Ranger issues due to 11.1

Hello whoever may read this (hopefully a dev)

11.1 brought a massive rework to MM as well as a change to Dark ranger.
With the 11.1 patch a old bug has popped up which cut shadow surge damage in half (this is exact same bug from 11.07) so should be easy to fix.
Another bug (or potentially its intended) withering fire 2ndary black arrows do not benefit from any damage amps such as razor fragments or precise shots. this leads to withering fire firing off 2 black arrows that hit for 110k which is weaker than an unbuffed arcane shot. this was not the case when withering fire auto fired, the arrows would benefit from damage amps. this has significantly hindered Dark Rangers viability. its now weaker than tww s1 release. looking at current logs its 98% sentinel even in heroic. It does not make sense to me that you had DR in a viable spot an literally undid everything from s1.


I need to stop visiting these forums, my blood pressure is going through the roof.

So much incompetence from a massive billion dollar company. How many times did they rework/change DR? How many times did MM get more than just minor changes? What exactly are they doing over there?


Halfway through the PTR cycle, the devs said that they corrected the bugs causing Black Arrow to do more damage then intended. It whent largely unnoticed.

At that point most people were having fun bombing around with prenerf BM.

Saying Dark Ranger felt bad versus live was dismissed because people who weren’t trying it said it was going to have a tactical nuke.

Sooo, you know…… Sentinel.

was so excited for the changes never cared for using a pet though a crow glyph for the eagle sounded cool and blizzard broke it again nevermind

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They should have left MM alone. They had a good thing going then some wannabe genius came into the room, scattered everything on the floor, and said “DO IT AGAIN!” and now we have a messy spec that feels weak and lame. I don’t want to play another class just to avoid Blizzard’s random desire to ruin my favorite class.

Reinventing the wheel, again and again…

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Dark Ranger definitely feels very week right now. And not just thematically…