Dark Ranger is MM/BM because of popularity

I don’t play Hunter and don’t have too much more to say here, but I had to put these out there for any of you poor folks who didn’t notice. Dark Ranger is the most popular class fantasy, and I’m sure the devs are predicting the MM/BM combo is gonna be the most popular, so here ya go lmao.

It doesn’t help that the other two are poo poo garbage.

As a Shaman my heart goes out to y’all <3


I feel bad for MM who have to pick between elf spec and elf spec.


Lmao chill out man :rofl:

I mean if you were making the game wouldnt you do the same?

Not sure what the issue is here

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Interesting how the filters allow this word…


Dark Ranger is BM / MM because it’s Dark RANGER so it had to be associated with Ranged specs.

If it was Survival it would be some sort of Dark Meleer lol


You do know the term ranger has nothing to do with ranged combat right? Half the Dark Ranges from Sylvanas’ group were rogues. Honestly Dark Ranger should have been a Sin/Outlaw Hero Spec. They were Sylvanas’ spies and assassins and really didn’t have anything to do with hunters or pets other than being good with a bow. Which could have fit with Outlaw by reworking pistol shot to bowshot and making it an actual semi-ranged spec.

Sadly, I suspect OP isn’t far off. As a Troll BM Hunter main I’m not thrilled with my choices. I can be the edgy undead elf wannabe or I can be basically nothing. Pack Leader could literally just be another option in each row of talents in the spec tree and no one would even have noticed.


How… wait… how can dark ranger be for survival?

Survival is a melee spec??? Not a whole lot of “range” going on there.


Honestly probably true.

Seriously. It feels like the only theme Blizz knows how to design.

To actually build on this, it derives from the word range, which is from “rengen”, which is “to move over or through (a large area), roam with the purpose of searching or hunting”, and that derives from the old French “rengier” which is “to place in a row, arrange; get into line” because the french “reng” means “row, line”, and THAT derives from the Proto-Germanic “hringaz”, or “circle, ring, something curved”.

The point is basically to hunt or search for something. Absolutely zero to do with ‘ranged’ dps. lol.


I mean it also just don’t look very Dark Ranger like. It’s a little shadow and a little demon hound. The voidweaver hero talent looks so cool, was hoping for something that visually stunning for dark ranger too.


I mean… it maybe is those two because of popularity but it’s not even good so who cares lol hunter needs a full rework, and the hero trees for them are no exception. The designers who have done hunter stuff so far have dropped the ball. There wouldn’t be all this discussion about what specs dark ranger should be if all 3 hunter specs were awesome and all 3 hero trees were cool…

The reality is there are reasons almost nobody plays survival and why most people play BM. There are also reasons basically nobody is talking about the hunter hero talents at all… they’re bland and sucky especially when you compare them to the ones everybodys talking about.

So yeah. I could care less if they made dark ranger BM + Survival and my MM got left out for some reason as long as the other options were totally sick. Unfortunately as I said all 3 suck and the specs are currently being left in the dust with all these reworks so none of this matters right now.


I kinda wanted like bow-assassin or magic archer fantasy. I don’t care for pets or the elfy stuff. :cry:

I just want a bow to do the shiny pew pews


I really do feel for all you guys. I have a Survival Hunter for bs’ing around in the open world, but I’m not super attached to them. I think it’s a shame cause to me, “Ranger” makes me think no pet, fast melee, and slick archery. I have a feeling I’m not the only one, that’s why I made this post.

To add to my op, does anyone else find it weird there there was one “Demon Hunter” in game but they were able to pull a whole class based off of it, while “Dark Ranger” is a pretty established class and it’s getting crammed into a Hero Talent tree??


No. I’d want Dark Ranger fans to feel like they’re playing like the Dark Rangers from the video game World of Warcraft


Is it? I never cared for it myself and conceptually doesn’t even fit most races in the game. I think its more blizzards insistence on making it a thing due to name familiarity than player demand.

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That’s fair. That’s some guesswork on my part for sure. Maybe the Dark Ranger crowd is just louder than others.

Legit question for you and everyone else: What kind of “class fantasy” would you guys want for Hunters? Like what kind of hero talents would get you stoked to play?

I’m not gonna bust your chops btw I know we’re not game devs but I’m genuinely curious. What would be the Riders of the Apocalypse tree for y’all?

For me, hunter class representative for hero talents would be Rexxar or Legolas. The problem is both these archetypes are already served by BM/Surv for Rexxar and MM for Legolas. Dark ranger does nothing for me as I main a dwarf BM hunter.

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I honestly think they are pushing a lot of ‘elven’ stuff hard on every class right now, because the whole trilogy that’s coming up revolves around the elves and their lightwell or whatever it’s called. The game’s always been about elves. Trees burned down, trees grown and lived in, nearly every continent’s got elves. Heck even these new arathi people are supposedly half-elf or something.

We were sold a story of humans vs orcs, and before that dranei vs orcs, but it’s always elves, elves, elves. Factoring in trolls, who are basically in the whole ‘elf family tree’, we’ve now got:
Zandalari Troll
Blood Elf
Night Elf
Void Elf

5 different ‘elf’ races, and folks clamoring for highborne too. It’s all elves all the time.

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