Dark Portal Hearth Toy

is broken at the moment. Says spell is unavailable.

same here. no way to hearth since i throw away hearthstones.

go to an inn and get it back, at least for the moment.

Yes, but then you need to rebind hearth which sucks if you are on Azeroth but want to be bound to Dalaran. :slight_smile: First world problem tho

do you? used to be an option to just return your HS

When you set your hearth location it gives you a stone if you don’t happen to have one for whatever reason.

Yea, that option didn’t appear to be available anymore.

Did logging out or completely shutting down the game and logging back in fix this issue for you? I had the same issue with the Kal’uak Whalebone Glider and that fixed it for me.

Darn, well it fixed for me thankfully!

It eventually fixed itself after I reset hearth, deleted the item in my bag and re-used the toy from the panel :slight_smile: