Dark Iron Paladin

I think my mog looks pretty decent for a Dark Iron Pally.

Literally tauren Paladins praise the sun and Zandalari Paladins praise the loa.

A Paladin is just a warrior devout to a belief… that’s why dark iron dwarves could be Paladins in classic they were devout to their God, fire lord Ragnaros

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A bleief in the Light. Ragnaros isn’t Light. And that’s not why they were Paladins.

The only Paladins that believe in the"light" are humans… even the Draenei are devout to actual creatures via the Naaru, humanity is literally praising invisible glowing flying spaghetti monsters.

The loa aren’t the “light” but Zandalari still call to the light through them, just like how the dark irons called to the light through their DEVOTION to the fire lord.

They all believe in the Light. Simply in different forms. Taurens see An’she as the Light. That’s why they’re Sunwalkers. An’she is their Light. Draenei found their devotion to the Light through the Naaru who are pure Light. Zandalari followed their Loa of Light. He channeled the Light and they received their power from him.

Absolutely not. :woman_facepalming:t4:

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You’re literally completely wrong but die on this hill I guess.

A troll could be completely devout to Kragwa or Bwonsamdi and call on the light through that devotion.

If anything lorewise Zandalari Paladin magic is such to be teal like their eye color just like Tauren Skywalker magic is supposed to be more fiery than traditionally smooth yellow magic you see humans use.

Even Pandaren priest, they’re actually monks of Chi-ji the red crane not traditional yellow summoning priest.

I’m literally not completely wrong. They were all introduced to the Light in different ways. Humans and dwarves simply found the power of the Light on their own. Others needed guidance to it. Dark Irons most likely found their guidance to it from Moira, who is a priest, or found it on their own prior to being enslaved by Ragnaros.

Case in point from the lore:

the tauren have only been worshiping the moon, while both the sun and the moon are the eyes of the Earthmother, making them both equally sacred. This new belief made the tauren able to draw powers from the sun

Thus, they found their connection to the Light.


I use Ironfoe on my Dark Iron Protection Paladin, even though canonically another Dark Iron Dwarf has it.

Personally, I think that Blizzards biggest mistake was making the class “Paladin”. A Paladin is a very specific thing, and with all the new additions to it, it strays further and further from that. It’s like making a class called “Samurai”, but over time it turns into “A Samurai is anyone who decides to pick up a sword.” That’s not what a Samurai is. That’s the route they’re going with Paladins.

Things like that would be appreciative for any race/class combo.

/cast divine shield
/cast holy light

“Guess we are just gonna stand around and wait on this nonsense for another 5s guys”

Completely ignoring that Pandaren have no connection to the light but can be priest.

Being a priest/Paladin is more about the ability to have faith to a religion than to literally be calling the cosmic force of light.

Even your maghar orcs are just casters that call upon the shadow than humanity version of the light.

Priests and paladins are completely different in that regard.

Also, Ragnaros isn’t the Dark Irons’ god- they hate him for enslaving them for centuries.

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Maybe it’s because I have so many regular dwarf paladins, but I kind of see dark irons as more fury warrior material. That’s what I’ll be rolling when I get them tomorrow.

I guess it does make sense for them to exist, beings that Moira has been a full-on member of the council (or whatever it’s called I’m not up on my lore), there would have to be cultural exchange going on between the dark iron and other dwarves, and a lot of non dark irons love them some light. Which is kind of funny considering they live where the sun never shines, but dwarf pally is still iconic!

Completely ignoring the fact that Pirests aren’t Paladins and completely ignoring the lore, which states anyone can find the Light, because it resides in everyone.

Wrong. Go read your lore.

Its positive energies,[13] residing in every living being, in every heart and soul,[14] is everywhere, binding all sentient beings together as one.[14] The naaru, enigmatic beings composed of shards of fractured Light, may be the purest expression of the Light in the physical universe. They taught the use of the Light to the draenei and other enlightened races, but others have come into the study and practice of Light-based magic of their own accord.[10]

Light isn’t life.

Life magic is its own entity. You’re giving the light credit for something that belongs to the cosmic guide force of life. That’s like giving shadow(void) credit for the shadowlands when the cosmic force of death is responsible for the shadowlands not the void

Literally the existence of Zandalari prelates and Tauren Sunwalkers.

Yeah the scarlet crusade are very" positive" not dark at all individuals… even Arthas was able to call on the light while he culled innocents in stratholme

wotlk naxxramas dark tint of the tier 3 reskin of pally armor

I never said it was. Where are you getting this? What are you twisting to even come up with this?

I have no clue where you’re getting this from. Learn to comprehend what’s going on, please. I quoted you actual lore. Read it. Because you’re not making sense.

Again, go read your lore. I even quoted it for you. Multiple times. How much are you going to ignore what’s been written by Blizzard?

And if you READ YOUR LORE that’s specifically addressed by Blizzard.

Paladins don’t always have to work within good or neutral organizations, as seen by the Scarlet Crusade and others — however, they do have to believe they are working for good organizations or have faith that their cause is good and just. A paladin can be evil (as illustrated by Renault Mograine and Arthas before he took up Frostmourne), but as long as they believe their cause to be just, the Light will continue to serve them

you’re source is from a 2007 WoW book back when Dark magic was a single thing and light was seen as “good”. Shadow-Death and fel are now all their own entities.

The statement above ; telling someone to read their lore when you are literally ignoring the insignificance of what you are trying to push.

2007 was the year Burning crusade came out… you know when we had silly lore about the light being unusable by the undead and Sargeras was corrupted by the Eredar. it isnt “the lore” so how about you read actual modern versions that point out Priest like Pandaren priest existing through the teachings of Chi-ji the crane or Night elves calling upon elune and not the light itself.

It’s an updated source, first of all, and if you’d READ THE LORE, it goes into further explanation. So no, you’re wrong. Again. As usual.

I’m not the one ignoring anything, genius. :roll_eyes:

ROFLMAO yes it is. Read the damn Chronicles that say the same thing.

You know nothing, you’re making a fool out of yourself, you’re entirely WRONG, you refuse to actually read all of the lore and you refuse to acknowledge what’s still considered actual lore, regardless of the damn date.

Go away, kid. You’re done. And you’re going on my ignore list for your blatant ignorance towards everything.

It’s not an update when it’s over 10 years old