Dark Iron Dwarf Quest Line for Transmogs

I had my race changed after coming into Shadowlands to Dark Iron Dwarf after doing all the work to unlock it. I hear in 9.2.5 there will be some transmogs and a new mount, but it requires the earlier Heritage of the Dark Iron to get them. Am I a true Dark Iron Dwarf or do I just play one on TV? I cant go back to SW and get that earlier quest because it is not offered. Am I out of luck or is there something I dont know? Thank you!

The heritage of the dark iron achievement requires leveling a dark iron dwarf from scratch to level 50. If you race changed, you wouldn’t be eligible for those quests on that character. You’d need to level a new dark iron dwarf to 50 to do the quests, but then the rewards would be account wide, even for other boosted dark iron characters or ones with race changes.

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The requirements for the Dark Iron Dwarf heritage weapons and mount questlines are currently bugged and are currently only available to the initial 10-50 Dark Iron Dwarf character if said character hasn’t been somehow disqualified.

It’s a known issue and will likely be fixed soon so that it can be done on any Dark Iron Dwarf character as long as you already unlocked the Heritage armor.

It’s fixed. Yesterday I couldn’t get the questline on a paladin I race-changed to a DID. Today I could.