Dark Heart and WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ahead

It costs 3 of the new currency, so 3 weeks or so.

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I got it in my head that remix was releasing at the same time as dark heart and that dark heart was a week after season 4. So instead of remix being a week away, it’s more than three weeks away. Bummer. I need to find whatever I read that lead me to believe remix and dark heart was a week after season four.


I’m gonna hit 2k M+ rating for the mount as quickly as possible, then leave for remix until the WW pre-patch goes live.

Neato burrito.

Is adaptive swarm being removed in TWW?

According to their first alpha build, yes. Druids are losing Adaptive Swarm

diablo 4 might as well not exist, it had its chance. It failed miserable

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This release schedule is garbage. I really hate that you release this and then cataclysm 4 days later. You have players that enjoy playing all flavors of wow, stop forcing us to choose with these competing releases.

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The changes for season 4 are amazing honestly

The well planted tease was real. Very nice! I was gonna play cata but not now. Ill be too busy.

Doesn’t matter, they had to completely overhaul another diablo game just so its playable. Most people have stopped playing and forgot about it.

Season 4 is pretty much over after three weeks for some people anyway.

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Any info on those Harbinger quests?

Most people dont want season 4. Thus remix.

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The seasons have carried it hard because the base game definitely isn’t much to write home about.

That’s not the point, it makes no sense for S4 gearing to be so gated behind so many currencies in this context

Wouldnt say most honestly, most wanted them to change it up so they could come back

Its the same as season 4 in sl, and that was fun

“Fun” is definitely subjective, but it was nice being able to snag some rewards I probably wouldn’t have gotten otherwise at the time like the Gavel of the First Arbiter. Now I see it multiple times a week in transmog runs. :sweat_smile:

Yea lol, gearing is actually BETTER this time too, first item took 3 weeks in sl and you were capped at 3 total, no cap besides weeks active now and its an item every 2 weeks