Dark & Edgy Music for Gaming

In response to a request I received a few days ago, I would like to post some of my favorite tunes for playing World of WarCraft. This music is ideal for Demon Hunter, Death Knight, and Warlock - but I think it could work for most classes.

Please feel free to post your own music, even if it’s not dark or edgy. As long as you use it regularly while playing, it belongs in this topic, but please share a brief explanation of when you listen to it and how it makes you feel.

Razihel & Varien - Spooky Jack & His Living Dead Symphony
This is one of my favorite songs, period. It has a Halloween vibe and is part of my questing playlist.

Behemoth - O Father, O Satan, O Sun
This is also on my questing playlist. If you like this one, Behemoth has tons of songs you would probably love. Give them a quick YouTube search.

Yair Albeg Wein & Or Kribos - Mephisto’s Lullaby
This is beautiful and thematic. Puts me in the proper mindset. I usually listen to it before role-playing or while questing.

Peter Grundry - .Goëtia.
A piece indulgent as blood spilled into a golden chalice. Drink of this, and live forever.

Ashley Serena - Lullaby of Woe
The atmosphere this helps to cultivate is exquisite. It is haunting, calming, and foreboding in the best possible way.

Gregorian - Ave Satani
This one is mostly for DH and Warlock, but I have it added to my general playlist as well.
A true classic.

Lucifer’s Hymn
I love this so much. It has a distinctive dark cathedral feel and blends really well into Revendreth questing.

Nocturne - Nox Arcana
You will probably recognize this right away. An iconic piece, fit for any gaming playlist.

Rob Zombie - Superbeast
My favorite Worgen Death Knight jam.

Ningen Isu - Heartless Scat
Facemelting Metal played by old Japanese monks. How can you not love this?

Apocalypse Orchestra - The Garden of Earthly Delights
This is great for anything WoW related. I recommend researching this band and looking into their other songs as well.

Alestorm - Drink
For playing Outlaw Rogues, Dwarves, Pandaren, or any other alcoholic ne’er-do-well.

Blackmill Compilation
Nothing dark or edgy about this.
Just beautiful dulcet tones for enjoying your day.

I will add more later. :slight_smile:

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