Dark as night!

Remember the first time you logged into WoW and when it turned night, you couldnt see anything? or maybe it was my monitor since my monitor and computer was CRAP xD.

But really, the nights were so dark, it was awsome! would be really nice to have that back, maybe a 50/50, some nights are darker than others or the times goes twice as fast so we have 2 nights in 1 real cycle.

but well… wishful thinking, wont happen =(

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I think that it resembles day/night in the timezone for your server.


Duskwood at night was creepy on an epic level…


It was pretty easy to see at night in Vanilla. It was a lot brighter than night in most games at the time. I would complain they were too bright on Vent.


I dont remember it being insanely dark but you could definitely tell when it was nighttime

I think it’s just that it was darker than it is now. It wasn’t dark like old UO, where if you didn’t have a torch you couldn’t see anything…

I don’t play currently, but if you compare screenshots from then and now it doesn’t look like it’s brighter now. Maybe in some specific zones, though.

Anyway, somebody made a comparison video with the Classic demo and in most cases it looked pretty much as in the 1.12 client. There were a few exceptions, but that probably was because they were not finished.

I will mostly be playing Classic late at night, so I hope the entire world won’t be pitch black the entire time.

Based on comparisons taken from BfA vs a 1.12 client, nights aren’t actually universally darker in Vanilla and it depends largely on the zone that you’re in.

I imagine for a lot of us it was our monitors.

It was never truly “Dark” where you could not see jack squat with out a torch like EQ, but it sure did get a lot darker in Vanilla than Modern WoW…

Although Gondor did post up some screen shots of a much “Darker” night option if you use a black ink potion or something like that.

IMO it’s how they ought to have it set up for the game play by default.

It depends on the zone, some are brighter on BfA and some are actually darker, even without the potion.

Elwynn Forest is darker on BfA.
Thousand needles is darker on Vanilla.
Loch Modan looks virtually identical.
Dustwallow Marsh and Theramore are a lot darker on Vanilla.
Redridge Mountains is slightly darker on BfA.

Duskwood was surprisingly never very dark in Vanilla and it’s virtually identical today. The low view distance and fog is probably what contributed to the creepy feeling.

Screenshot I took in Duskwood on BfA a couple days ago:

Video of Duskwood from July, 2006 (You can tell it’s night by the Moon icon around the minimap):

Screenshot I took on BfA with an Inky Black Potion:

I remember when it used to rain. We’ll at least I think I do.

That needs to be the default right there because that looks so damn good!

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I miss The Drag in Orgrimmar being really dark where places are clearly illuminated by torchlight. Now it’s as bright as any other part of the city despite being in a narrow canyon with coverings across the top.

I miss old Orgrimmar in general. Everything about Cata Org can go get bent, along with every non-Thrall Warchief (except Vol’jin, but he’s best sitting next to Thrall).

My rogue always carries a few of those around…well for roguish reasons.

There was 2 moons