Danuser+Ion Sriracha Take on retcons and lore

how many people remember that there were 4 comics during BfA, not just 3 Sisters, I wonder.


gl hf

There are certain portions that are horrible translated:

La façon avec laquelle je vois cela c’est que tout ce que l’on sait, tout ce que l’on a appris au fil des années dans l’univers de Warcraft est issu de la perspective de quelqu’un en particulier tant que les joueurs n’en sont pas directement témoins.

The way I see it is that everything that we know, everything that we have learned over the years in the world of Warcraft has come from the perspective of someone in particular as a players do not directly witness it. Should be when the players are not direct witnesses to it(tant que is better translated as “as long as” but when sounds more grammatically correct in english)

But it not neccesarily a retcon! If anything it hearkens more to how Warcraft 2 literally had two different perspective in the war that painted the other as the enemy.

No it wasnt. Even Metzen used it back in the day and compared Warcraft’s history to our history. Even the real world history is literally shaped by the person who tells it. We have a proverb of history being written by the victors!

Except not really. I mean, using Danuser’s example, if I was an Old God minion I would have clearly written Chronicles different even if the same events had happened. I would portray it in a negative light and probably talk about how Titan abomination managed to take over the world(it would still be the same story but a totally different view of it)

One of my favorite lines in Warcrime explains why I like this view:

The unvarnished, unaltered truth, over which there can be no debate-Chromie
Oh there can certainly could be, motives, inner thoughts, other plans-Tyrande
Don’t give your tactics away, High Priestess-Chromie

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Or you know, maybe she really didn’t want it and simply was not privy(until maybe later) that it was the Jailer who cause her to get the job.


Jaina: Reunion

Magni: The Speaker

Windrunner: Three Sisters


The one that speaks of Sylvanas revealed that Sylvanas was serving The True Enemy even before the novel Before the Storm…

The Before the Storm novel when taken after the earlier written Windrunner: Three Sisters reveals that the Sylvanas despite being a Bad Guy serving the True Enemy has no idea how she got on her throne.

The funny thing was that Mueh’zala was not apart of the Devs’ plan until both him and Bwomsamdi became so popular. That means the original Plan by the Devs for Sylvanas’s ascension to Warchief was different originally.

Presumably Bwomsamdi was the one who arranged her ascension in the original plan(in hopes of getting rid of her) and wound up getting killed off in Dazar’alor only for his popularity to save him causing the Devs to change the plan so that Mueh’zala ascended his accomplice in an Unspoken Plan Guarantee!

Incidentally Sylvanas’s dialogue in Before the Storm doesn’t say that Sylvanas had no idea why she was ascended but just that it was inconvenient for her causing her to curse the Loa for ascending her!

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Can you give me some examples of events changing because of different perspective that are important to the narrative, rather than the writers just changing facts because they need the story to flow better?

The thing is, Chronicles wasn’t written to be an unreliable source. Yeah, him saying it is a perspective now justifies it being inaccurate and the changes he makes. We know that.


In fact I might go even further: We cannot say with 100% certainty that the events even happened like that at all! I didn’t see myself in the cinematic, so I wasn’t there to witness the events before the gates of Orgrimmar. Saurfang could have died because he tripped over a stone and Sylvanas simply tried to find a doctor as quickly as possible but couldn’t and as such she fled because she couldn’t live with her guilt of not having been able to save Saurfang.

That’s canon now.


Well we could start with Rastakhan’s death. Two perspectives that ultimately change how one would react to such a story. We can also point to Odin/Helya’s story. Depending on if you read Odyn’s propaganda or not you will have a different view of Helya.

Not exactly, the very first page from Chris Metzen himself says "At the core of it all lies a real sense of …history. The overarching story of Warcraft is a vast interwining patchwork of myths, legends, and world shaking events that ultimately contextualize the players’ heroic efforts in the ever expanding world they shared.

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The Chronicle is a chronicle of Myths(the Great Clash of Light and Dark, the origin of the Titans, etc.), Legends(everything leading up to the War of the Ancients Trilogy and the Draenei’s arrival in Draenor) and of course the history from the War of the Ancients Trilogy and beyond!

Incidentally if everything is going all Planescape then the rules of the Universe are all Planescape: “Belief Shapes the Cosmos including it’s history!”

This is why despite the Spellplague the Inner Planes still exist despite now being surrounded by the Elemental Chaos that the Spellplague turned the Elemental Planes into.

Both the original state of the Planes(the Inner Planes) and the changed state of the Planes(Elemental Chaos) now exist at the same time due to the beliefs shaping the Planes.

Danuser might very well turn WoW into Planescape and bind it to that logic making the Timeline bow before the power of Belief.

When it comes to Rastakhan’s death, you know from the way the speaker talks that story is being embellished. But it doesn’t really change much other than making the Alliance seem less heroic. And that was point I made earlier, the perspective thing is an intentional device by the writers that the reader/player need to somewhat aware of. Having events play out then retroactively changing them just confuses the person trying to follow the story.

He advertises it by saying it saying it’s attempting to tighten up and clarify the history of Warcraft. Having it be an unreliable perspective is the opposite of that.


The Jailor giveth and the jailor taketh away. Memories that is. To suit whatever plot point needs fixing.


The fact that he in the Chronicle itself(rather than it’s advertisements) calls the Chronicle a collection of Myths, Legends and History(without saying what are the Legends and what is the History despite the Book having a section dedicated to Myths) pretty much undermines anything he said in the advertisements!

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Ion confirmed 9.1 was only settled at the end of last year and early this year.

“We had the sense that players would be contending with Sylvanas for a while now, that they would be delving into and learning more about the nature of the Maw, and the Jailer’s power in this first major content update,” Ion says. “But, the specific details of the twists and turns the story is going to take, who the bosses in the Raid are, even some of the major narrative moments that we’re going to see play out in the coming weeks are things that came together at the end of last year, and the beginning of this year.”

I need Ion to stop talking. Why do they have this uncharismatic man, who lacks all prudence, as the outward face of the game?


Because as long as it turns a profit, they couldn’t give an ish.


They also admitted pivoting because of player community majority opinions

"Some of it is seeing how the stories resonated with the community, with our players, as they were delving into it,” Ion adds. “One of the great things about working on a live game like this and this iterative content cycle is that we can see what players are excited about, they’re confused about, want to learn more about, what preconceptions or ideas they have about the way things are going, and pivot to make sure that what we’re doing is going to hit the mark.”

I guarantee you they changed the sister from Eonar to Elune to subvert the majority speculation so it’s a surprise


To be fair I would’ve barely known who Eonar is. When the Winter Queen mention a sister my first thought was “Oh ish, Elune”.

But outside Sargeras I couldn’t name a titan because they were terribly characterized.

Seriously I know Eonar as ‘that annoying non boss fight’ and I’m a lore nerd. I think they went with Elune because nobody cares about the Titans. And seriously thus far I’m unsure why Bwomsamdi isn’t the most popular deity. Seems to be the only one who directly intervenes to aid his faithful, and above that is just a guy you’d like to hang out with.


I mean you have to realize, Blizzard seemed surprised he was well liked at all.


I’m 100% convinced there was meant to be another patch between 9.0 and 9.1. We haven’t seen Sylvanas doing anything, we haven’t seen Tyrande do anything, and Anduin just got turned into a DK. Yet all three of these plotlines are getting finished up immediately without seeing any of them in action or having interesting consequences from them. The time from introduction to completion is instant for all three.

All three plots suffer from a lack of a middle part. Almost as if… a big chunk got cut out between 9.0 and 9.1, how suspicious.


And that’s shocking. Personally I don’t put much stock in spirituality but if there is a Grim Reaper I hope it’s Baron Samedi.

After curtain call getting to reflect on the madness of it all with a skull painted, jovial Afro-Carribean dude with a top hat who brought rum and cigars sounds like a much needed reprieve.

10/10 best death God, but Anubis is still a good boy.

Seems you’d need a detachment from the human condition to not understand why something like that would be popular. But I assume ‘detachment from the human condition’ is a requirement for executive staff at Activision.


It’d be funny if “SL won’t be like WoD” is because the cut the start rather than the end lmao

Or like

Maybe everyone being middle aged pale American liberal centrist boomers (and Gen X) causes them to be out of touch with your average player in 2021 as to what is cool and will be perceived as awesome?

Perhaps. Just throwing ideas around.

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And actually a lot of the problems the devs have with missing the mark in both gameplay and story comes with there no longer being a cohesive WoW community on top of generational difference of expectations