Dangerous Civilian for Horde players

As Horde travels to the Ashenvale battle from Zoram Strand, there is an NPC named “Talen” that is a Civilian.

This essentially guarantees that at some point someone is going to kill this and give a DK to the entire raid.

Could we get this NPCs level raised? He’s directly in our path to the battle.


This! Please raise the level. I get so nervous every time I’m in a raid group anywhere near this npc. People will troll if possible.


And it literally just happened to a Horde group in Ashenvale.

This needs to be fixed. Immediately.


It’s grief bait to derank anyone in a raid now. The civilian status needs to go away.


100% I guarantee griefers are going to level toons just to kill this NPC in raids. Already saw a mate derank to this and about 10 others in the raid cop a dhk, I was lucky that I just outran it.


I can’t beleive this wasn’t thought about ? if people can greif they will! please move it away from the DIRECT path that horde run in RAID groups for ashenvale.

I just set my hearth to splintertree and if it’s on cd I only start the event on the east side of ashenvale. Not worth running with the zerg to the fp at zoram with the amount of griefers around. Horde has been getting demolished on my server anyway by layer hopping alliance raids.

Any chance this gets resolved?

That civilian either needs to be removed or his level raised dramatically, Alliance have started using alt account Horde characters and are purposely killing the civilian at this point.

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Blizzard. Please.

This keeps happening. We have players intentionally griefing, people avoiding the event altogether.

Fix this.

You mean the nelf right before Zoram?

He’s not a civilian, I kill him every time and have 0 DHKs.

This is fantastic. Dont touch this NPC as all.


You are very very wrong.

If you are level 25 that is a civilian.


Unless they changed it since the last time I killed him :expressionless: Still have 0 on my DHKs.

Oh well. Not hard to avoid it, given the Zoram FP is a trap during the battle anyway.

It truly is.

Ohh yes. Griefing and unintended negative outcomes are the best.

Simple solution: Don’t group with jerks.

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So Horde shouldn’t be able to preemptively form a raid until in position? Why are Ally able to do so with no risk?

Ya win some, ya lose some. :man_shrugging:t2:

Typical horde players wanting to kill civilians with no repercussions


I mean. The NPC has been there 19 years.