Dang it Blizzard! There's too many good hero talents to play!

Fel scarred DH tree was announced and it’s amazing , screw the Aldrachi Reaver kit.

Demonsurge is an ability that makes you explode up on hitting your targets. A talent makes it 35% increased damage if it’s one target.

170 maximum fury, eye beam, immolation aura will have empowered abilities in metamorphosis form like chaos strike and blade dance does.

10% fire damage shield reduction at all times so take that fire mages. Movement speed greatly increased as you stack fury.

It’s nice to be a demon hunter.

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Yeah I like that they went with the empowered ability changes other abilities with the demon fire theme.

It’s the right thing to do and fits the bill for the class and spec. You’re basically a monstrous demonic fire crazed demon hunter with this and it’s probably what I’m playing.

I would no longer be able to play DH without Adele playing in my head.

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Yup, they gave DH pursuit of justice…


I mean pursuit of angryness.

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The song has been in my head since I read the post. :rofl:

To be fair one of your hero talents greatly empowered your charger so that’s already better

Eh, still not useful on pvp, can still be extremely snared/countered easily.

You have that one ability, hand of freedom or something

Or was that removed idk

Edit: NVM it’s called blessing of freedom now

Yup, and it’s purgable/spell stealable.