Dance of Chi'Ji - Mistweaver

This “New” talent is actually very interesting to be in the Mistweaver tree. However, after playing with it for a bit, I’ve come to notice that the proc rate is abhorrently low. It’s so low, in fact, in some BGs I was doing, I would go entire teamfights without getting a proc once. I’ve also had Arena matches where it didn’t trigger once as well. I can’t imagine this is any different in PvE content. In fact, it may even be worse.

The chance to trigger needs to be increased SUBSTANTIALLY, because right now it honestly feels like I threw a point into the theoretical void.


Proc rate for Mistweaver’s Dance appears to be 1 RPPM, while for Windwalkers it is 2 RPPM.

Something tells me that’ll get adjusted.

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Honestly, for both Mistweaver and Windwalker the rate feels too low. 2.5 - 3 RPM would probably feel best, in my opinion


trash talent. I misread it when i initially took it, thinking it was 300% increase to SCC damage, instead of a proc. Having to give up something like Legacy of Wisdom or Rising mist makes ZERO sense as a MW.

What would make sense is if the talent just increased SCC to 300% more damage, and that throughput translated to healing - only then does it make sense to sacrifice something like Legacy.

A permanent 300% buff in damage would be OP and not a fair exchange. It should proc more often or have another trigger - like receiving stacks as you spend mana or something.


I would go full rotations without a single proc. the rate is soo low i agree. There were multiple packs it wouldn’t proc on while playtesting…but of course i get it like 3 times on a boss where it isn’t as beneficial.

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Since it’s called Dance of Chi-Ji one could suggest that invoking the celestial Chi-Ji would tweak this even further (more procs as you “dance” with the crane)

The general proc rate is too low though.


As fistweaver, I feel like there isn’t really any node worth to drop at the capstone tier level to pick this up. If it procced more often, then maybe

As a castweaver, there is no reason to pick this up. This could be a good way of boosting castweaver dmg, but right now it’s hidden behind jadefire stomp AND ancient concordance…

At LEAST, I’d move the node higher in the tree if it stays with it’s current proc rate.

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I’ve not had a proc rate issue, obviously there can be dry spells, but I’ve had 3 back to back and have SCK as my 2nd highest damage done in keys 23-25 this week. Proc rate seems not far off of WW.

The proc rate appears to be a hasted 1ppm, so on mistweaver you actually get procs all the time because it has a chance to proc on every instance of damage and healing. This means you can get procs from your cleaved BoK’s and Renewing Mists. I’ve even had a proc from a Renewing Mist spread.

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Seems like I should do more than testing on dummies.

I still stand by my point for placement not being good for castweaver though!

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Imagine this being a capstone with its dismal proc rate.

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If what you’re telling me is the truth, you need to hit up the Lottery because you have better chances than everyone on the Monk forums combined.

Weird. There is no such thing. You should play the M+ build if you’re trying to use melee damage abilities. If you’re playing the raid build, you shouldn’t be concerned about pathing for damage.

The datamined proc rate is half that of windwalker, and my anecdotal experience that it is NEAR that, but slightly higher than 1ppm due to our haste stacking in pve content.

There is. It’s not exactly the same as the raid build either. And that build still wants to do damage in m+ too. It is not optimal for damages ofc, but the higher hps makes it interesting for pugs :man_shrugging:t2:

That said, I mostly play with the JFS/AT build for m+, but it doesn’t hurt to have more options.

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I agree in its current form it should be higher in the tree like a choice node to zen pulse or something. If they keep it where it is the proc rate needs to be increased. That said when it does proc in a big trash pull it pumpsss.