Damned if you do, damned if you don't

Got into a timewalking, died because tank pulled too much and couldn’t hold aggro, told to release and run back, so I do, next thing you know, you have been removed from group. If you tell someone to release and run back, don’t kick them, especially if you are 3/4ths through the dungeon.


timewalking is not the big pulls we have in other content need to be smart
i learned that the hard way with a guild run not to pull what you can pull in other content

Don’t release and run back. At the point you were told to do so, they’re going to kick you for it and they’re trying to troll.

they behave like children and theres a 99% chance the same persons will be in here screaming 'WOW IS AN MMO" when you tell them your sick of group content BECAUSE of people like them, lmao.

“MUH MMO’Z”…while they behave in a way that makes you prefer playing the game solo, lmao


out of the 10 ive ran this week 8 had hunters 8 had their pets taunt on… #9 had a fistweaver pulling for me, 10 was a solid run. at that point why would any tank fight for aggro.

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This sounds like you need to move faster.

Had very little issues with the 15 timewalking dungeons run so far. Sometimes you get a bad group.

I literally just targeted another pack we werent ready for on accident
I figured tank response would blame my pet, but it was literally me.
Actually no one made a peep. I cleared most of the mob up myself before it got to the other four players. I think tank figured I did something stupid and just chuckled it off, lol
My macros use that /cleartarget /targetenemy thing so I have to be very careful about making sure not to take the last shot on current group if ANYTHING is beyond it or I’ll hit it if I have nothing close, lol

Doesnt happen often, but if it were to cause a wipe I fully understand a tanks irritation with it.

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Really unsure how to move faster between deaths Advance on cooldown Wraith walk on cooldown nitro-boosts on Cooldown. Want to explain how I can speed my DK up past that? or my paladin with Divine steed? Also not really sure how pulling faster has to do with hunter pet taunts.


The trick is to play tank and pull wall to wall and if they die they die

You were probably pulling to slow for the group. I don’t have issues like this when I tank. I’m flabbergasted that you have to deal with this with almost every single dungeon run you have.

I would rather be kicked/leave than run back in most of those BC dungeons.

yeah, thats about all I have running DK.
Every now and then nitro boost will screw me with that damage instead of speed or throw me into the air, lmao…thats always good for a laugh.

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I stopped saying anything but when its deliberate you can usually tell.

Yes cause I like the option of dragging 4 corpses through dungeons :smiley:

Again Hunters pets Im not fighting for aggro on groups if the hunters gonna keep leaving their pet on Ill have no threat and no Taunts as for the 1 run with the fist weaver Yeah I guess I was too slow considering I couldn’t keep up with their rolls.

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Do you run to a trash pack and then plant your feet and not move until the last mob of the pack is dead? Then stand there for a few seconds looting? Start moving to the next pull sooner.

Also, pet taunts are turned off automatically. I did timewalking on my hunter and that was happening like it should.

Only loot bosses and depends, if its in a boss room I collect the groups and fight in one place then pull boss when packs are mostly dead (IF im the one doing the pulling. good example of this is blood furnace.) as for pet taunts auto turning off? Im aware its supposed to work like that… but I also expect the cache this week to give me a 493 not a 441 curio (Im making a big assumption that its a failure on the game instead of a player malfunction.) but 8/10 makes it hard to believe its strictly player.

If a tank and healer can handle big pulls then I guess everything’s fine, but it’s still an anxiety-inducing experience for me. As much as I can appreciate the speed, I don’t like it when things are hectic.

Full speed tertiary+enchant on every piece of gear. Ilvl be damned. Phial of Alacrity for MAOR speed! Swiftness Potion. That trinket from Fenryr in Halls of Valor. And then scream bloody murder at the Monk/Paladin/Priest/Shaman/Druid to give you Tiger’s Lust/Blessing of Freedom/Angelic Feather/Body and Soul or drop Wind Rush Totem/Stampeding Roar on cooldown.

This may or may not be satire.

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Run as a prot pally and you wont die and you can pull everything. Its great.

It also turns back on if the hunter levels in the dungeon, and TWs (which are unlocked for anyone level 30+ for BC) give an insane amount of XP for those under 60. In fact, for the 40-50 bracket the XP you get from the end of the dungeon is more than the total XP needed for one level, at level 48 one TW dungeon would give me enough to level + be 30% to the next level.

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