Damn, these battleground que times

I have made no claims that I care about parses.

In my experience, it’s more like 2h30 queue and a 30~40 minute match.

In what? In how AV works in WoW Classic?

I represent 1 person who plays WoW Classic. Does that give me any more or less stake in this than anyone else?

I mean, if we consider the actual content of statements I’ve made in this thread, you can see I’ve stated this:

As well as:

Ok so using your experience. It takes you 3h 15 to win one game? Do you think ally wins a game every 6 game? That’s what it would take for the win rates per hour to be « similar » according to you.

Do you think this happens?

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As I’ve stated,

I don’t know. I only have confidence in my own experiences, which is not enough data to be considered a reliable data source for this.

This all goes back to your original statement, where you said that horde and alliance win rates averages out to be the same, which is such an absurdly stupid statement that required correcting.

As long as you feel that you’ve been educated enough to either retract that assumption, or are willing to admit it was a statement of obscene ignorance, we’re all good.

Keep on zugging so your queue times keep chugging

I mean if you only win 80% of your AVs as horde… I want to know exactly what you’re doing cause I would love to put an horde on a second account in there to boost my alliance account by doing whatever it is you’re doing to make horde lose so much?

I didn’t say this. Here’s the quote:

You don’t have a more reliable data source than I do, so your statement that mine is

is unfounded. *You’ve also misrepresented what I actually stated.

He probably sitting in there asking for data on which strategy is the best aggregated strategy for acquiring the most honor out of an Alliance stomp.

“I mean I’d like to see the data that capping Snowfall first is better than going straight to Stonehearth, it’d be interesting to see. From my experience on forums and reddit and my previous games, a 20/80 split between assaulting the two GYs seems to be effective, but I can’t say for certain”

everyone else: “STHU AND PUSH”

That’s what my headcanon says.

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You have long queue times. :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

Reroll ally. I did. Love it. Ally is the new minority thus super cool faction.

bazinga got me

cept i don’t care about AV.

I qued all the time. It wasn’t that bad. That being said, I qued as alliance when things were first rolling out years ago, and rolled horde this time, so that might be a factor in the AV difference since everyone seems to say that alliance get instant ques for AV.

that being said, the ability to que from your menu instead of having to do it in a capital city in lich king was HUGE.

I lost 60 straight AVs, 0 wins in AV to exalted. No Alliance are going to queue it when it’s 100% guaranteed loss, unless they need rep. Once they get the rep, they never go back to it. I like AV, but I’m not playing it anymore. Likewise, less and less people want to queue other BGs when they keep getting stomped, 5 capped, and spawn farmed by pre-mades. Queue times will go up more as it continues to be broken and more people give up on a fix.

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Ok, but if premades were not the majority, would this be an issue?

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Flip the maps. Bet youd see some interesting results. The other battlegrounds are very close in win / loss ratios for the two factions. Alliance are just brain dead in AV? Hardly.

Interesting, because this is the same percentage if not higher for me in wsg with all the alliance premades. Seems both have an issue based on statistics.

Go ahead and try to make the argument that the WSG map is imbalanced, we’ll see how that plays out.

I smell level 60 alliance trolling and feeding other ally trolls