Damn Blizz. You hurt my feelings

I know I’m getting old but damn…this is brutal.


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You say you’re old but then you go around using zoomer expressions like “rIgHt iN tHe FeElS.” Pick a lane.


Ummm…get off my grass?

I changed it for you. Don’t want to get a suspension for hurting someone’s feelings. Wait…can I suspend Blizz???

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Heckin feel you there friend Dwarf. Hits hard. Hits home. :people_hugging::handshake:

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Now begins your evil phase Remi, Drink! CLAIM YOUR DESTINY!


YES! You’re right, Shaohao cut us off from all the good things in life! Gimme that demon blood I’m about to get it


Hmmmm…water of life or demon blood? Both?

Demons are gone so… OLD GOD BLOOD!

And you can choose between these 4 flavors:

-Caustic Caramel Creme
-Horrific Hazelnut
-Mutating Marshmallow
-Old God Blood.

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Hmmm creamer flavors. Been sticking with plain oat milk lately. Time for more coffee. :coffee:

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I don’t even know what this thread is about. But someone said we’re doing shots so here I am.

Must not submit to the tequila…

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I feel it

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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Tequila is my lady! My lady!

*Shakes da bootay. *


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Nice. Welcome, friend. Apparently, we are enjoying coffee and shots. Might as well pack my pipe.

You got Tylenol, a 10s unit, hot rocks, lumbar support chairs…I’m there

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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When you need to restart your app/launcher for an update it will often show incompatible. Seriously, just do it.

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And don’t forget to check for GPU updates. Sometimes my computer has a full blown tantrum without it

Then it has to go in time out

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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Do it.

I’m good to go. Just thought it was funny :slight_smile:

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At the bottom of the realm selection window, click on the Beta tab.

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