Dammit Moo

Thats my ult Bruh! WHYYYY?

What is your alts name? I never know.

Sorry :frowning:

‘ey Moo, you a Bear, Kitty, Tree, or Boomkin?

Well, there aren’t any trees yet but I see what you’re saying. I haven’t tried Moonkin yet either. I currently shift between stuff. I’m a hybrid spec with PVP talents. In a few weeks, I’ll be done my rank grind and will be speced resto for raiding so at that point the alliance will be safe from me as I don’t plan to gank (so much anyway).

In the meantime, Geofram the Pold will be here to brotect the people from Mad Cow Disease.

Haha yeah its fine. The thing i didn’t realize at the time was you weren’t actually working with the warrior that was in the area and technically speaking i did fire first at you so if you claim self defense you are totally within your rights.

Thankfully you didn’t stick around. The warrior, a lock and a different druid stayed and they met a very miserable end. Not at my hands, that alts too gimp but I do have friends :wink:

Keep on doing your thing and hopefully you are almost done with your grind.

Hey Pained. I tried to come up to you and say hi (on your main) and you just feared me and flew away.

I know =(

Old druid habit, no fighting other druids in Moonglade its bad juju! Also guildies were getting camped in WS so was sort of a rapid response situation. Sorry for not being more Social!