While leveling my Paladin alt, I noticed that I had pending on the questline for the SW heritage armor. So since I wasn’t feeling like tanking another dungeon for the day I went for it. As someone that started playing and has been active like 90% of the time (a few breaks during WOD and BFA), I felt extremely guilty and disgusted with myself.
I totally forgot about Marshall Windsor, the questline brought me flashbacks of the original SW questline, from the defias in Deadmines, all the way up to Jailbreak in BRD, the confrontation in SW, getting the amulet from General Drakkisath in UBRS, and finally the final fight against Onyxia herself.
For someone that has been playing this game for 20 years (in april), I guess the ending was way too toching, asking Mathias Shaw about Johns completly fair request to honor Windsor, and marching through the valley of heroes. I guess it might have been embarasing or cringy for my wife to watch a 40yo shed a few tears in front of the monitor while playing a video game, but well, it is what it is.
But yea, it’s not the firs time you do it, Bolvar Fordragon sacrifice, Ysera’s death at our own had in the broken islands, Ursoc soul’s sacrifice. GG Blizzard.
I never even knew what happened now im interested lol
it dropped with the orc one and the orc one was pretty awesome
someone said the human one was disappointing in comparison
Hum sorry but, what sacreifice you talking about exactly? If you talking about icc ending cienamtic, that cinematic was terrible…
But anyway, if i understand you right : all blizz have to do to make you cry is to say “member onyxia?” “member vanilla” and you get crying? Lmao
Well, it depends. If it is violating the corpse of things I loved since or from Vanilla, such as Teldrassil and the rest of WoT, I do not cry but I do get mad. In fact, any time Blizzard tries a “member Vanilla” it usually ends with me very upset with them. I think that is what they wish to have happen.
When Blizzard wants me to cry, they just throw Ysera at me with sad elf music, and it works. They know that even though I do not like dragons very much at all, she is the only character in the game who can just make me sad cry… Multiple times!!!
But I do not think people getting teary-eyed over a video game is at all bad. It’s fiction. Fiction intends to provoke your emotions. It’s why we have movies and books and games and comics and TV. To distract us, and to get us invested. If you do not feel the emotions they are trying to pull out of you, then you’re not really invested.
Let people enjoy things without being a child about it.
I balled like an baby over Ysera. Twice. There’s been a select few other scenes that hit me in the feels. But those emotional moments are few. At least the impactful ones are
There’s been plenty of cute little moments that had me smiling like an idiot for no other reason than I found it adorable. Dragonflight had a lot of such moments for me personally
Clearly I can’t speak for everyone, but I think there’s a lot of us that have a soft spot for Ysera. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Shadowlands, but watching Ysera be reborn to Nightsong always brings me to tears.
I kinda had it spoiled from the beta, but when I was on that quest, I locked in. My character wasn’t failing her again.
Well, when you tell me that, like, let say, you play Vanilla, after you have played war3…and you see Teldrasil, yeah, then i will cry and ask “what is this bs why night elves are here and not on hyjal? where this tree come from? why blizzard! dam you, you make me cry!!!”
And then bfa came and erased this mistake of a tree and i said “finally its over!”
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The Jaina Thros cinematic is what gets me on that end.
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I dont know why people got so touched by Ysera’s death, because i never really cried on it, but what actually made me cry was Varian death to Gul’dan.