Blizzard stated that even though those portals are going away they will still be there while you level up for when a quest tells you to go there. Got to 100 today on an alt and tells me to go to Kharazan for my artifact questline. So the quest shows to go to the portal room to get there. Go down there and nothing is there…
Sigh… Couldn’t have blizzard just left that stuff alone?
Well… the Foresaken have body parts they aren’t using. So probably some of those. How do you feel about being a tiny zombie? And would you like a cookie with sprinkles?
I never said you wanted it - I was agreeing with you about Blizz pruning things silly zombie. We’re also going to get itty bitty cow people and tiny green orcs.
(gives Jaquestiney a little box of cookies with sprinkles)
Like I understand getting rid of the faction portals like not having twenty different portals to ironforge, but c’mon. Did they really need to take out the portals under dalaran? Especially the one to Cavern of times…
Yup right there! Either blizzard lied or the blue post guy got wrong information. Either way those portals under Dalaran should just be there regardless.