Hello, dear guild leaders and/or officers.
I am a long-time player (Since WoD, have played on and off since TBC)
I`m looking for a guild that is casual/semi-hardcore that is looking to raid N/H along doing M+ content with some pvp on the side. I am able to tank as well as dps. My alt will most likely be a healer. I have cleared all of the rep grind already (For seballian and cobalt)
My profs are: Blacksmithing and mining.
Note: I have done some raids in WoD/Legion/Bfa and Shadowlands in heroic but dispersed among many characters. This one is a fresh char on a fresh server i’ve never played before. Am looking for friendly faces to partake the DF content with and dedicate myself towards. As a solo player, I have pretty much cleared every quests of the continent, gotten gold in every dragon racing, done alot of the secrets and treasures among the different zones as well as (as stated above) grinded the F out of the reps and content in general.
Not the best, not the worst but can definitely improve in terms of Ilvl and skillset.
I am not gonna over-sell myself as being a big peepee dps or tank, I just want to enjoy myself, have fun and improve on my skillset as both a raider and M+ amateur.
Edit: I am looking for a guild on the Dalaran serveras stated on the title.