Dalaran "citizen"?

where do the citizens of dalaran live? as far as we see its all just businesses, the sewers and underbelly and the little chunk on the side that the illidari have. where do they live? do they live in the towers that have no entrances/exits that dot the cityscape? there’s an inn but that can’t possibly house all of the citizenry, can it?

WarCraft has never been good about showing the scale of things. They give enough representation to let you know something is there, but don’t go all in on showing just how much or how expansive it is in the lore.

Some of the cities in WoW in the lore have thousands if not tens of thousands of inhabitants. The scale show in-game is minuscule. Same for Dalaran.


Yeah – for example, Stormwind is huge in comparison to the in-game city we get, because they don’t have the means to have a whole city + interiors (or not) without everyone’s games lagging horridly or outright crashing (even though it would be cool, up until you have to go through the city on a lowbie with no flying lmao)

I think there might even be some official? art out there somewhere that shows how the cities are supposed to look, if they could, but I might be misremembering that.


Lorewise Dalaran is a huge city with small islands floating next to it with districts. We just see the main floating island, a few small ones, and that’s it. The city of Dalaran is supposed to be much bigger than what we see.


See all them spires?
Them towers?
Plenty of living space in em.

They may look tiny, but they’re bigger on the inside.
If you start lagging on your rent, your living space starts shrinking until you either pay up, are evicted, or are crushed.
Whichever happens first.

Most older WoW cities are really tiny, it was only with Legion they began experimenting with massive cities in suramar. A lot of satellite parts of the city should be around the part we know, which is effectively city center.

For its many lore flaws, the movie did a good job at depicting the scale of Dalaran, which is what one should really imagine it would be like:


As pro-Alliance, I’d classify the residents of Dalaran like this

First Class: Dalaran natives, humans and high elves, the Kirin Tor, Council of Six

Second Class: Dwarves, Gnomes, and Blood Elves, the Silver Covenant

Third Class: Other Alliance races, the Alliance player, the Horde player, the Sunreavers

Fourth Class: other Horde races, newcomers

Dalaran is essentially a city of mages, that uses constructs to do most of the grunt work and a minimal civilian population to provide more mundane needs. When Dalaran wasn’t a floating city, it imported all of its needs from satellite villages like Ambermill.

Those civilians however aren’t “citizens” in the conventional sense, they have no say in how things are run, that’s entirely on the Kirin Tor.

That is what made Suramar and Boralus so different.


Valdrakken is fairly massive as well, I have been plesently surprised in general with city sizes recently.

…I am not counting Oribos because it was not a city. It was a giant anima power reactor and sorting facility. We just slummed in its access corridors.


Careful, if Gallywix hears about this it’s going to be a “feature” of every goblin house going forward.