Dalaran Argus teleporter gone?

I have been trying to get back to Argus to do some achievements and mount farm but I can’t seem to get back? The teleporter in Dalaran is gone. My husband can use it all the time. Does it go away if you complete the campaign in Argus? If so how do I get back? HELP ;-;

it get deleted if u make new char , have 2 un lock u new char

The teleporter is still there. Have you unlocked it on the toon you are playing?

I didn’t realize I was logged into the wrong account. The one I am on is my main, 120 Blood Elf. It’s not there anymore, it used to be. ;[

Are you sure you’re in the right version of Dalaran? The teleporter to Argus is in the Broken Isles Dalaran, it wouldn’t appear in the Northrend version.

Yes, I am in the correct Dalaran. I checked that multiple times.

And you’re sure you finished unlocking it on that character?

As ppl have stated above, the Argus teleporter is not an account thing. You have to unlock it for each toon. The easiest way to check is old mate Velen should be out on the platform for the breadcrumb quest

I am not on a new toon. I go there on my main where I have completed the Argus campaign on my main.

You keep on talk about your main, but what toon are you using to try and access the teleporter?

Completing it on your main does not translate to it being open to all your toons regardless of when you created them. You have to do the intro quest on each of the toons, going to the dreani capital and boarding the ship to travel to argus.

Also that there posting on a lev 11 toon

Think op is useing the wrong toon

Interesting potential bug. But I wonder if you have any active quests or are you party sync’d perhaps?

It won’t let me change the toon I am posting on here with for some reason. I am using MY MAIN trying to got to Argus. Not this toon it is showing I am posting on the boards with.

I can only think of two things:

  1. It is a bug for that toon. Maybe your realms were being connected recently? I know that has been causing issues, also I remember back in the day when i faction changed a toon the portal to the panda start areas disappeared and required a GM to resolve the issue, as all the quests associated with unlocking the portal had been completed.


  1. You possibly have not completed the quest line that unlocks the portal. I have highlighted the bottom paragraph as it might help.

If you do leave Argus before completing the quest Rendezvous (https://www.wowhead.com/quest=46816/rendezvous) and you’re struggling to get back, head to your capital city’s docks. Alliance players will need to speak with Vereesa Windrunner while Horde players will want Lady Liadrin. They will send you to a phased version of the Exodar and you’ll get another chance to complete the introductory questline, though you may have to repeat quests, so its better to just complete the quests the first time around.

It also wouldnt hurt checking if there are any quests at Khadgar in the Violet Citadel in the Broken Shores Dalaran. Maybe your progress on the Argus teleporter was reset.